
  1. M

    Can anyone find the picture of Dale Earnhardt Sr in front of the airplane with his

    blue/yellow car with a girl? I saw it once so i know it exists somewhere on the internet I just cant find it now. I think hes leaning on his car with the girl next to him. thank you.
  2. H

    Why do they make you turn off cellphones or electronics in an airplane?

    I've been to an airplane 3 times and I still remember the monotonous speakers tell us to turn off all electronics. I never get why but my mum would scare me and my siblings and say " Hurry it up you don't want out plane to crash ay?"
  3. L


    Okayy so I just got my first phone an iPhone 5 and I turned airplane mode on and off like 20 times but It just won't fly! I even tried throwing it but it just won't fly! Please help Me!!!
  4. H

    will there ever be a 3 deck airplane?

    i have been wondering if there could ever be a 3 deck airplane, would it be too heavy or would they have to make a new longer runway for it to take off
  5. J

    Can you use your cellphone on wifi on an airplane?

    i am going on a trip to florida and i needed to know.
  6. G

    The Most Popular Seats on an Airplane Are At the Very Back

    Where do you like sitting on an airplane? At the very front or the very back? At a window or an aisle? According to research by British Airways, the most popular seats on a Boeing 747 are 51B/51C, 52B/52C, 51H/51J and 52 H/52J. That's all the way in the back of the plane. More »
  7. U

    Anybody know any good tv series to watch on a five hour airplane flight?

    Ive watched and seen already every ep of: Breaking bad, HIYM, Lost, family guy, south park, curb your enthusiasm, tosh.0 Dont like: king of the hill, suits, heroes, walking dead, any sitcom except hiym, sunny in philadelpia, workaholics, americain horror story. i have a lot more lol itll be too...
  8. O

    Rules about hand luggage on an airplane?

    I recently was stopped at the gate and told to put my mini suitcase in the gage (yes I had majorly overpacked it creating a hump) and it wouldn't fit. Determined I was getting my luggage on as hand luggage I took out loads of jumpers and wore them, eventually I realised it was just a centimetre...
  9. D

    first time traveling by airplane?

    Well I print it out the ticket from the computer0.0 but I am confused if it is the ticket it was 5 pages xD hahaha I am jjust nervous but I wanted to know now since technology change and well can you tell me if is correct @z@
  10. G

    Pessimisting Airplane GPS Always Knows the Best Place to Land in an Emergency [Video

    A company called Vertical Power has created a GPS-based co-pilot for smaller private planes that's constantly worried about the worst-case-scenario when flying. But that's a good thing, since in the event of an emergency like an engine failure, it already knows the nearest and safest place to...
  11. G

    Genius Artist Recreates 15th Century Portraits in Airplane Lavatory [Photography]

    Innovators: they walk among us, work near us, and sit in the seat across the aisle on airplanes. Though typical solutions to making a long flight go by faster include reading, watching movies, listening to music, or sleeping, pioneers like artist Nina Katchadourian aspire to a higher-minded way...
  12. M

    how do i manually change the my Motorola sidekick slide for airplane mode?

    i have had it open to my network but i am trying to get the GPRS up and running
  13. R

    Where can I get "Airplane" MP3 by Jermaine Paul ?

    I'm looking for it for a long time, but without any result. Where can I download it in a good quality?
  14. L

    Does tmobile charge extra to put a cellphone on airplane mode?

    I have a samsung gravity & was wondering if i was to put in airplane mode if tmobile would charge me extra a friend if mine says verzion & AT&T & tmobile charge for it?
  15. S

    A 2.4*10^5-kg airplane is cruising at 900 km/h.What is its kinetic energy relative

    to the ground? .? i need to find k= (it has to be in j)
  16. S

    A 2.4*10^5-kg airplane is cruising at 900 km/h.What is its kinetic energy relative

    to the ground? .? i need to find k= (it has to be in j)
  17. A

    What are some funny things that happen in the movie "Airplane"?

    A very old movie
  18. M

    What if the satellite (UARS) crashes into an airplane?

    Everyone is so worried about being hit on the head by this thing...what about the planes?!
  19. G

    Guy Who Shot At Airplane Looks Like This [Crime]

    Get a load of Randon Reid, a 26-year-old from Phoenix arrested after his car was spotted speeding away from a shooting at a local airport. The victim: a private plane, parked there and minding its own business. More »
  20. S

    What is the name of the early 70s song that has an airplane sound going...

    ...from one stereo speaker to the other? Song from the 70s I listened to it as a child in 1973 I think. I think it had more of a spacy sound than the Barbados. More like Pink Floyd maybe. I'll look at those other possibilities mentioned. I don't remember any of the lyrics. I thought it was a...