
  1. A

    Morning Warm-Up: Love Advice From Mad Men’s Joan Holloway

    • 10 things Joan Holloway would say about dating (The Frisky) • Yoga teacher Jenny Brill will make you “laugh your asana off” (Alignyo) • What how you look can tell you about how well you’re aging (YouBeauty) • Almost … More » Morning Warm-Up: Love Advice From Mad Men’s Joan Holloway is a post...
  2. I

    Teens: can I have some relationship advice?

    I need some advice. The story is really long, so long that I don't have enough room to post it here so I'm linking to it below, but I’m begging for your help. I need some advice on how to get this boy back. I can’t explain how much I love him. It hurts me to articulate my feelings for him...
  3. J

    Where can I go for some real relationship advice?

    Everyone one here doesn't help me and just saying how stupid and young I am and makes me want to kill myself. So where can I go to get some real respectable relationship advice?
  4. M

    Who bought "Apolsoft Android SMS Transfer" of this software? Can give me some advice?

    Who bought "Apolsoft Android SMS Transfer" of this software? Can give me some advice? Who bought "Apolsoft Android SMS Transfer" of this software? Can give me some advice? I want to be able to export my Android SMS database to my pc in a friendly txt, html or pdf format that is easy to read. I...
  5. M

    Fashion advice for spring break?

    Hey! So, I'm a fifteen year old girl going on a cruise in the Caribbean. It would be helpful if people could come up with cute outfits (going shopping for some clothes for vacation) as well as what to pack (swimming, clubs, fancy dinners, all involved haha) thank you anything you can contribute...
  6. J

    Traveling to Korea need advice?

    I am going to Seoul Korea in the near future with a freind. Is it easy for english speaking Americans to travel around the city ? Do they speak English? Is there anything I need to know before I travel to the country? Is there any books or anything that could help me travel there? This would...
  7. R

    Fashion Advice! Need help with fashion ideas for meeting my boyfriend's grandma.?

    I've been seeing my current boyfriend for 3 years now and I finally get to meet his grandma! Now the problem is, I'm more of the tee-shirt and jeans kind of gal and she is a major fashion follower. I want to make a good impression but I'm hopeless! I do have a basic sense of style and I LOVE...
  8. A

    I need some fashion advice?

    I noticed that people give me dirty looks because I don't have sense of clothing. I like to have full pants.
  9. E

    I need some information on some speaker advice!?

    Alright! So I had a jeep and had 2 12s in a pretty big size box in it. But today I sold the jeep and will now be driving an Intrepid. My fiancé says the 12s would be too much for it and I should just downgrade to one 12! Any advice on what would sound good and what would be too much?
  10. A

    Hit by car on bike Need Advice please!!!!?

    i was in the bike lane in Santa Barbara and a car made a right hand turn and i hit her front wheel well and fractured my arm the lady stopped and i gave her my info but she refused to call the police and i had no phone do call the insurance calls me the next day and take my info then the nextday...
  11. S

    Advice on nutrition please help me?

    hi I AM male 15 years old, 140lb 5ft 10 and ive been working out for a while now, 5- times a week in the gym on a pretty good program. 3 days on, day off. biceps n back, chest and tris and shoulder and abs. i dont do legs yet cuz i heard its bad until 16 to work legs. anyway im wondering about...
  12. S

    Help with AP WORLD HISTORY, anybody in/was in the same boat...? (Advice on... to pass the class, and exam...)? Okay, so I currently have a 60 in AP right now. And I barely passed by the skin of my teeth with a 70 last year. Yes, I know I am a horrible student. Unfortunately (again, entirely my fault), I have never read any of the chapters of the AP book until...
  13. T

    Can someone give me some advice dealing with mental illness?

    6 years ago I had a heat stroke while practicing football and it messed my head up pretty bad. As a result I contracted severe depression. It's a very physical form of depression; it hurts my body and holds me back from doing most things that aren't staying inside and watching tv. Exercise is...
  14. S

    I think I killed my cat, because she won't stop bleeding, advice please?

    I thought it would be a good idea to give my cat some tuna fish, but I stupidly put the top of the can right next to her. Next thing I know, she ate the can top, and now she's puking up blood. It's been going on for hours. Should I just kill her so she doesn't suffer? Or should I pull it out of...
  15. S

    Going to VidCon! I need tips and advice!?

    I'm going to vidcon and I need to know some tips and advice. Also, how do I know what the times my favorite youtubers are doing stuff?
  16. S

    I could use some advice on smartphones, LG Nitro or HTC Vivid?

    I'm finally getting a smartphone! I've narrowed it down to these two. Which do you recommend or not recommend and why? If you have one of these phones, how many texts does it hold, and does it hold a lot? I'm trying to find one that holds quite a bit, unlimited if I can. Thanks!
  17. N

    Hunting Advice Please!! How do I get started?

    I feel really stupid asking this but I'm looking for some much needed hunting advice. I have always been more into fishing but am now starting to show interest in hunting. I have only gone once (duck/goose) but would like to get into deer, wild turkey, wild boar, etc. However, I need some...
  18. B

    I need some relationship advice?

    They say there are plenty of fish in the sea but im really tired of looking. All I want is a woman who has my same interests and can love me unconditionally. Im tired of finding women who just care about sex and physical appearance. I have dated about i wanna say 6 women and i couldn't get along...
  19. L

    SO i need some helpful Advice... Im looking into getting an Acura TL

    2004-2005 or an Infiniti G35 2004-2006? As far as looks go im not concerned. What im more concerned about is which car is more reliable and give me less problems mechanically, with Great care and keeping up with maintenance, im sure i shouldnt have any problems, but which car is less likely to...
  20. J

    RELATIONSHIP ADVICE! please help me out :)?

    My boyfriend and I were slowly drifting apart and we knew this was happening. So, I ended the 9 month relationship on Saturday via text. I know this was really bad of me for doing this but he kept saying he was busy and he couldn't come etc, so I had to end up doing it through text. He texted me...