
  1. T

    Therapies For Cocaine Abuse Likely Following The Modeling Of New Enzymes

    Researchers from the University of Kentucky have designed and discovered a series of highly efficient enzymes that effectively metabolize cocaine. These high-activity cocaine-metabolizing enzymes could potentially prevent cocaine from producing physiological effects, and could aid in the...
  2. T

    Girls Who Suffered Abuse At Greater Risk For Heart Disease, Diabetes Later In Life

    Middle-aged women who report having been physically abused as children are about two times more likely than other women their age to have high blood pressure, high blood sugar, a larger waistline and poor cholesterol levels, according to a new study published by the American Psychological...
  3. T

    Drug Abuse In Adolescence Linked To Brain Networks

    Why do some teenagers start smoking or experimenting with drugs - while others don't? In the largest imaging study of the human brain ever conducted - involving 1,896 14-year-olds - scientists have discovered a number of previously unknown networks that go a long way toward an answer... More...
  4. T

    As Baby Boomers Reach Old Age, Elder Abuse Remains Hidden Problem

    Despite the 2010 passage of the Elder Justice Act, policy experts have found that combating widespread abuse of seniors is still not a top priority for care providers and governments alike. As many as one in 10 people age 60 and over are affected by this problem, according to the newest Public...
  5. A

    Wisconsin Lawmaker Says Divorce Is Wrong…Even In Cases Of Abuse

    Today we have yet another man who is oh so sensitive and compassionate towards women. Wisconsin legislator, Don Pridemore has made it known that he is against divorce under all circumstances—even when women are victims of spousal abuse. Stay married, he says and remember the good times. What's...
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    Let’s Talk About Rihanna and Chris Brown’s Family Histories Of Domestic Abuse

    Everyone from Jay-Z to country singer Miranda Lambert to half the blogosphere has an opinion on what the heck Rihanna is doing collaborating (and possibly more) with her abusive ex-boyfriend*Chris Brown on two new songs. But why are so few talking about Rihanna and Brown's family histories of...
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    Tape Recording Proves Bernie Fine’s Wife Knew About Sexual Abuse; She’s Just As Guilt

    Laurie Davis, wife of accused Syracuse coach, Bernie Fine who was recently accused of sexually molesting one of the team's ball boys, is just as guilty as her husband. Maybe she wasn't the one having sexual encounters with him when he was a boy (although she is accused of having sex with him...
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    Vodka Tampons And Eyeball Shots: 5 Dumb/Dangerous Trends In Substance Abuse

    Every year around (usually between Halloween and the holidays), newspapers and websites like to trod out scary stories about really unsafe and stupid things that college students will do to get a buzz on. From snorting household spices to self-prescribing alcohol-soaked suppositories, tales of...
  9. J

    Is pokemon a pro dog fighting and animal abuse game?

    I mean you get a monster train it to fight then sick it on other monsters to have them beaten half to death and when it is weak you trap it in a very small cage and then train that one to fight too against it's will. And you take your abused animals to fighting torments where you fight them...
  10. A

    Real Talk: How Hard Is It To Get And Abuse Prescription Drugs?

    It seems like it should be difficult to get and abuse prescription drugs, but judging by some of this month's top stories—Dr. Conrad Murray's guilty verdict in the Michael Jackson death trials; Kim Richards' recent revelation that her prescriptions are making her seem drunk; new studies...
  11. E

    Can anyone out there help me publish my substance abuse recovery greeting cards?

    Janice Haskins, the creator of Stepping Stone – Substance Abuse Recovery cards, Has been writing for over thirty years. She attended Indiana University Northwest and in the spring of 1989, she placed third in the George N. Thomas Essay writing Contest. She is the author of several poems that...
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    SAMHSA Awards Grant To UCLA For Substance Abuse Prevention In Iraq

    The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), in collaboration with the U.S. State Department's Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (State/INL), has awarded the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) a $770,000 grant to support efforts to...
  13. M

    sobriety - drug abuse -or mentally ill?

    i know someone who had 19 years in the program. she has been increasingly unpleasant, dihonest and kind of like a con person (sober horse thief). i know this is not in my control, but she is sending nasty messages and not sure if she relapsed or is truly mentally ill. pleaswe adivse - im not...
  14. M

    Is this child abuse or not?

    From about five to seven.years old my step grandmom used to kinda touch me . she would wait until I walked pass her in the kitchen and she would "wiggle" her fingers on the very bottom of my butt... Even though I was only 5 , 6 , & 7 years old I knew that it felt wrong and each time I...
  15. A

    I am a survivor of child abuse. What am I "entitled" to?

    I was abused as a child. My mother believed in physical abuse as punishment. I was emotionally abused as well, she was an alcoholic. When I was 15 she kicked me out of the house and I was homeless, staying with friends, and living in an abandoned house with no water or electricity for almost two...
  16. M

    Is it verbal abuse if I argue with my girlfriend of always

    procrastinating about her priorities? She goes on Facebook till 1am all the way to 4am in the morning. Facebook is ruining her chance in making her financial situation better. When she is asking me for help on how to do things I give her solutions, but then she turns them down. Then she...
  17. D

    If is said drug abuse is a problem in the gay community would you....?

    Call me an idiot homophobe? If so why? http://pride-institute.com/programs/lgbt-treatment/lgbt-drug-abuse/ If I that incidents of herpes, gonorrhea, and syphilis are on the rise in the gay community would you call me hater? If so why...
  18. C

    If a parent often vents to their kids, is that emotional abuse?

    If a parent is often venting (daily) to their kids about things that are out of their control, is this considered emotional abuse? This happens to me and my younger sibling. I was just wondering if this is considered emotional abuse
  19. G

    How Badly did Rebecca Watson Abuse Stef McGraw and Humanity in General?

    Here's the talk. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
  20. L

    Atheists, explain why new study shows atheists are more likely to abuse children?

    http://www.addletters.com/pictures/newspaper-generator/1181763.htm read it and weep