
  1. J

    Is this normal? BTW Don't abuse me cus it seems horrible.?

    ok,well i had sex for the firrst time aday or two ago and ive been thinking so i come on here to ask about it. This girl wasn'tmy girlfriend, or well she was 2 or 3 years ago but not now and i dont care too much that my 1st time wasnt meaningful. Its sex and im 18 xD surley it doesnt matter I...
  2. A

    Does religion abuse children?

    Pushing the parents beliefs upon the children without evidence or proof. The Children have innocent minds and cannot comprehend what lying is at a young age. So they take what they are told as true. Shouldn't they wait until the Children are older to introduce their religion to them so...
  3. C

    Where can I find scholarships for sexual abuse victims?

    I was sexually abused by my step-father for two years and I would like to apply for a scholarship that is for teenage girls that have been sexually abused.
  4. A

    Verbal abuse from taxi driver. What shall I do?

    Earlier on today I was crossing the road and a taxi driver said why was I crossing at the zebra crossing. I just ignored him then he called me a fat, ugly c**t and drove off. My friends told me I should just ignore that person but every time I think about it I still get a bit annoyed. He...
  5. B

    What do you think we should do about pet abuse?

    I mean what should like the adoption agencies do about it? (Ex. i personally think they should make them take some sort of questionaire to see if that person shows aggression towards animals.)
  6. A

    My bf's dad used to abuse his mom, will he do that to me eventually?

    is it genetic? he has no memories of his dad abusing (physically and verbally) his mom but it's common knowledge in his family. he was only 1 yrs old when they split. He has gotten way too physical with me when he is drunk. Doesn't remember the next day. I'm afraid it's going to get worse over...
  7. V

    Is this animal abuse?

    me and my dad got into a fight when my pit bull mix was walking by he grabbed her by her coller and said he was going to choke her. he let her go when i said i was going to call the cops. so he took all the phones the house and took my brother and left. before that when i said if he hurt her i...
  8. S

    R&B/ Rap/ Hip-Hop songs about child abuse, poverty, etc.?

    Hey i need some rap hip hop or r&b songs about child abuse, poverty, or foster children care.... something like that. I already know of runaway love by ludacris and am a big fan of eminem but i need sommore choices. any suggestions?
  9. L

    Is It Child Abuse If Your Mother Hits You When Your In Your Teens?

    I Was Just Wondering If You Do Something Wrong And Your Mother Scolds You By Slapping Your Leg Hard Is It Considered Child Abuse As It Has No Affect On You Unlike It Did When Your A Toddler Or Child?
  10. L

    If your being abuse by your family what do you do?

    My best friend gets abuse by her family but she loves them and they love her what should she do?
  11. A

    Abusive Family? Is it even Abuse?

    One of my best friends who, in the beginning, of the year told me and my other friends that she had seen her dad beat up her brothers at around her age. She also told us that her mom has threatened to beat her up. I'm starting to get really scared for her. I have known her for 4 to 5 years and...
  12. A

    This is why some think religion is child abuse. (Video included)?

    Why religion is child abuse http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X043xVrQBr8&NR=1v
  13. U

    Would this be considered spousal abuse?

    If while we are arguing he brakes the car really quick so that I have to catch myself on the dashboard w/ my hand and if he got mad at me and set a firecracker off in my ear would that be considered abuse or signs of a potential abuser?
  14. J

    should people who were abused as children, be allowed to abuse those who try...

    ...to help them? i'm allowing my little sister to live with me, rent-free, because she was abused + neglected as a child (long story). she is 20 now and has no-one else. i want to give her something of the "home" she never had. but she just seems to talk to me like i'm crap, messes the place up...
  15. M

    Is this acually abuse proof?

    http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/store/controller?item=phoneFirst&action=viewPhoneDetail&selectedPhoneId=3889 the verizon boulder, i wanna know if i can get wet and the phone will be fine, because im going to a water park and i need to have my phone with me
  16. S

    At what point should you approach abuse, or leave it alone, when it has...

    ...nothing to do with you? My boyfriend's brother hit his gf and gave her a black eye. We all went out to dinner and I sat across from her looking at her black eye. I was upset just because it's never okay to hit anyone at all for any reason. I was upset because I didn't understand why she...
  17. I

    How is drug abuse and Addiction different ?

    this is homework for a class
  18. T

    What's with the internet and verbal abuse?

    I hang out on YouTube a lot, and recently I see a lot of people just throwing swear words at people as if it's addicting or something. It was not always this way. Why do you think such think happens?
  19. A

    Why do people abuse benzos?

    I'd always thought of benzos as "happy pills" that make you forget all your troubles and that let you experience some sort of euphoria. WRONG! I was recently prescribed lorazepam for my anxiety, and I take it as prescribed by my doctor, and it helps me really well. My question, however, is why...
  20. S

    Why do bulimics abuse laxatives?

    Do they prevent some of the calories/nutrients from being absorbed?