
  1. G

    Can Republican Hypocrits tell us why they Support Gay kids and abortions for...

    ...their kids but not for others? you say your fine with your gay kid, while saying you don't support gay's how is that even possible u idiot hypocrits you say abortion is horrible and terrible but when ur kid wanted one u were saying well thats fine can ppl get out just leave ur worthless ur...
  2. T

    Conservative T & T- Free Abortions, Get Your Free Abortions! - Sep 06,2012

    WARNING: Some language and topics may not be suitable for children. This is a late-night show and some topics may be intended for adult audiences only. Listener discretion is advised!! Tonight on the show: The Democratic National Convention has kicked off and like any other Democratic event this...
  3. A

    Anti-Abortion Group Unfairly Attacks Planned Parenthood For Sex-Selective Abortions

    An anti-abortion group is attacking Planned Parenthood again. This time, they have gone undercover and released a video showing a Planned Parenthood employee supporting a pregnant woman who wanted a late term, sex-selective abortion if the fetus was a girl. It's a controversial investigation...
  4. A

    Kansas Bill Would Use Tax Code And Lies To Curb Abortions

    File this under #ItNeverEndsDoesIt?: Lawmakers in Kansas have passed a bill that would both turn the state's*tax code into a weapon against abortion access and require doctors to lie about the link between abortion and breast cancer. Because what's a little science in the face of blinding...
  5. G

    Christians: Why dont you support abortions when you support the killing of..?

    "People Who Don't Listen to Priests" "Witches" "Homosexuals" "Fortunetellers" "Children that hit their fathers" "Children that curse their parents" "Followers of other Religions" "Nonbelievers" "False Prophets" "The Entire Town if One Person Worships Another God" "Women Who Are Not Virgins On...
  6. A

    Why are all ya'll arguing ova abortions?

    There are two many white people in this world and we need to bring down their population! But don't abort the minority babies, especially the black ones. That's racist! Black Power!
  7. A

    Why are all ya'll arguing ova abortions?

    There are two many white people in this world and we need to bring down their population! But don't abort the minority babies, especially the black ones. That's racist! Black Power!
  8. A

    Why are all ya'll arguing ova abortions?

    There are two many white people in this world and we need to bring down their population! But don't abort the minority babies, especially the black ones. That's racist! Black Power!
  9. A

    Why are all ya'll arguing ova abortions?

    There are two many white people in this world and we need to bring down their population! But don't abort the minority babies, especially the black ones. That's racist! Black Power!
  10. L

    Is it interesting that Pro-Choicers are for birth-control and abortions, yet

    they have already been born? I have no intentions of controlling anybody.
  11. T

    States Move To Require Ultrasounds Before Abortions

    Various states have passed or are considering bills to tighten abortion regulations. "Florida's Republican-led Senate pushed through an 11th-hour provision Wednesday that would require women seeking an abortion in their first trimester of pregnancy to pay for ultrasound exams ... unless they...
  12. T

    States Move To Require Ultrasounds Before Abortions

    Various states have passed or are considering bills to tighten abortion regulations. "Florida's Republican-led Senate pushed through an 11th-hour provision Wednesday that would require women seeking an abortion in their first trimester of pregnancy to pay for ultrasound exams ... unless they...
  13. T

    States Move To Require Ultrasounds Before Abortions

    Various states have passed or are considering bills to tighten abortion regulations. "Florida's Republican-led Senate pushed through an 11th-hour provision Wednesday that would require women seeking an abortion in their first trimester of pregnancy to pay for ultrasound exams ... unless they...
  14. T

    States Move To Require Ultrasounds Before Abortions

    Various states have passed or are considering bills to tighten abortion regulations. "Florida's Republican-led Senate pushed through an 11th-hour provision Wednesday that would require women seeking an abortion in their first trimester of pregnancy to pay for ultrasound exams ... unless they...
  15. G

    Study Confirms Link Between Autism and Use of Cells From Abortions in Vaccines?

    First, let's get this straight. I'm all for anti-science anti-vaxer right wingers not being vaccinated, as long as a) we take their children away from them (and vaccinate the poor dears) and b) isolate the adult anti-vaxers from the rest of the species, perhaps in Texas. But in the meantime...
  16. G

    Study Confirms Link Between Autism and Use of Cells From Abortions in Vaccines?

    First, let's get this straight. I'm all for anti-science anti-vaxer right wingers not being vaccinated, as long as a) we take their children away from them (and vaccinate the poor dears) and b) isolate the adult anti-vaxers from the rest of the species, perhaps in Texas. But in the meantime...
  17. P

    What is the main problem of America? Abortions, high cost of Health Care, two...

    ...War, US dollar, Homo sexuality? ... How would you fix them?
  18. A

    Given the amount of abortions performed yearly in the US and the majority...

    ...religion there, is it safe to say...? that Christians mainly object to other people having an abortion? I look forward to your alternate theories, no true scotsman fallacies, and barely legible rants.
  19. T

    Opinion: China Forced Abortions; U.S. Work In Africa; Foreign Aid; Uganda Legislation

    Detroit News Opinion Examines Forced Abortions In China "One of the few incontrovertible assertions one can reasonably make is that no one supports forced abortion," syndicated columnist Kathleen Parker writes in a Detroit News opinion piece that examines reports of...
  20. T

    Opinion: China Forced Abortions; U.S. Work In Africa; Foreign Aid; Uganda Legislation

    Detroit News Opinion Examines Forced Abortions In China "One of the few incontrovertible assertions one can reasonably make is that no one supports forced abortion," syndicated columnist Kathleen Parker writes in a Detroit News opinion piece that examines reports of...