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  1. B

    What message is being given by DC lawmakers who say they can`t afford...

    ...paying for ObamaCare? These people make a lot more money & have a lot more bennies than the average American & they`re claiming they don1t have the money to pay for ObamaCare insurance. Their arrogance is incredible since now what`s good for the goose is not good for the gander. Did they...
  2. B

    Another "MISSING" Ft. Bragg female soldier, last person with her is a

    "Registered Sex Offender"..........? & after interviewing him 2 times police will not be questioning him again? In the same area this soldier disappeared there have been 7 unsolved rape cases. The last 1 happened 5 days before PFC. Bourdeaux went missing & about 3 blocks from where she...
  3. B

    Anyone else having premonitions & dreams of assassination of US or

    Europe politicians? I have dreamed 3 times now about a woman politician being assassinated & get a scary perception of the dreams. LOL, interesting answers & no I don`t do drugs nor drink..
  4. B

    Can anyone please stop that SUV riding across my questions, it`s giving my

    left eye a nervous tick, is this..? Obama`s fault? February: How can I post any questions or answers on Elections or anywhere else with a nervous tick on my left eye? Yep, this is probably Obama`s fault, he`s got someone in the YAMSTER`S office driving that SUV. Must be one of his new...
  5. B

    Can you make predictions for the 2009 year?....../?

    Post only your own personal predictions, not one that has already been predicted by someone else please. For example: I predict, once again, that Fidel Castro will at long last be called home to.......most likely hell, but since I cannot pass judgment on someone`s spiritual destiny I would...
  6. B

    Got an Illinois Senate seat for sale to the highest bidder?

    The fan is just oosing with the mess of the Chicago Machine`s crooked politicians, does Obama have some of that "oose" that Blagonevich was trying to sell?
  7. B

    GM and Ford unions want 25 billion of a 50 billion "bailout" request to pay

    union workers benefits? Really, I am very angry about their wanting American taxpayers to foot the bill for their union employees benefits. I say let them go bankrupt, what the hell makes them think that they can be "WELFARE" recipients. Their problems has always been bad management, not keeping...
  8. B

    If the Moslem religion is so good ......................?

    why does it promote violence against foreigners when most other religions teach peace and treating foreigners in their country well? amemahon: I`m an exellent speller, there are no mistakes in my spelling, however as a human being I am allowed to make mistakes. Why don`t you get of your high...