If the Moslem religion is so good ......................?


New member
Jul 21, 2008
why does it promote violence against foreigners when most other religions teach peace and treating foreigners in their country well?
amemahon: I`m an exellent speller, there are no mistakes in my spelling, however as a human being I am allowed to make mistakes. Why don`t you get of your high horse and give an intelligent answer. Perhaps you have a permanent air problem in your head. By the way, you would not like to know what your Avatar name means in Spanish, or perhaps you do know. Just give a good answer to a question , in doing so you can avoid making yourself look like a capital letter A$$.
Correction abc123, the corect spelling is Moslem, Muslim is the name for a certain cloth fabric.
Guesses: I agree with you on the subject of religion 100%, however, past violence perpetrated in the distant past were done because of greed and ignorance. Today most of us have evolved to the point that we practice our spiritual believes without trying to force others to believ as we do.
Marq JPA: I can`t speak for other Christians but I`m a Born-Again-Christian and can state that the Bible does not teach to hate homosexuals, adulterers and all other sinners in general. Read the book of Jude, the last book in the Bible before Revelation. It clearly commands believers to hate all sin but to love the sinner. Many speak about things without properly informing themselves. I`am a sinner,just like everyone else, nobody is perfect or was born perfect. The only one who was perfect in all ways is my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. My belief is that I should work dilligently in not sinning and that when I do sin that I repent and ask forgiveness from God and that He will forgive me if my heart is right and true to Him. My relationship with God is a personal one, that means that I pray and communicate with Him continuosly in all the things that I do and that at times I keep quiet to be able to listen to Him. My connection to God is imprinted in my heart and it is a real thing.