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  1. M

    Stupid question thread

    It's the staples easy button you dumb fuck... alternatively It's a- It's a salad mobile, ok?...
  2. M

    Walken for President...

    What a bummer, he has a good look for a president. Not much of a brain if his acting is any indication.
  3. M

    i want to say early happy..

    ROTFLMAO!!! Wado that cracked me up!
  4. M

    Army Concludes: No Abuse at Guantanamo Bay

    should the US militiary even be in guantanamo bay? The US continues to operate a naval base at Guantلnamo Bay. It is leased to the US and only mutual agreement or US abandonment of the area can terminate the lease...
  5. M

    Calling Ice Skaters!

    Were you using hire skates V? I used to skate and had Ice Hockey skates which were much more comfortable and never had a problem really. I think thick socks are quite important, but just try a few pairs on if you can to get the size right.Dont go for tying the laces too tight though as will cut...
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    Lindsay Lohan confirms lesbian lover Samantha Ronson

    There sex tape will be great :dodgy:
  7. M

    the ebay game

  8. M

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    She has no taste.
  9. M

    Bruce Willis Suing Apple

    Some people like the cut and thrust of point and counter point debate that tests their standpoint and makes them back up and question what they believe. Others are here for splits and giggles. Most mix the two freely. It's a broad church and all the better for it IMHO. Same. Compared to...
  10. M

    Why do Brits think the UK sucks?

    I don't think the UK sucks, but I'm not british. I think their food sucks but otherwise its a perfectly lovely place to visit.
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    camping trip prank?

  12. M

    16yr old female drivers are fail.

    Good for her.
  13. M

    Camping breaks

    Have you got a go outdoors local to you ? The one by me is incredibly helpfull and pretty well priced. We set ourselves up from scratch a couple of years ago with an 8 man tent and everything else we needed from there. I you'going with the kids it's worth investing in a mains lead and paying an...
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    How haven't we declared a war? After I believe 60 days in a military action Congress has to approve a war or it is stopped. Which they've done in Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, Afghanistan, and whatever we decide to call this war. That sounds like declaring war to me.
  15. M

    Wild accussation

    Watching David Cameron give a speech is the only way SpikeD can get it up.
  16. M

    i failed my mcdonalds interiew :nododgy:

    :( edit: Nice avvy. :)
  17. M

    best place?

    in the butt edit:
  18. M

    earth hour

    i should head over to a laddy's house and be wit their rents and be like "ITS EARTH HOUR ZOMG" and then secks the laddy while her rents are in tha dark :ugh: