
the fact it happens is not as shocking as the lack of outrage expressed by such actions.

Yes they went over there to make money, but they did it with knowledge that they were going to be helping people. not everyone who can go there will, because of the risks involved. The people that usually go are the ones with higher sense of purpose, who want to see others thrive and do well for themselves despite the risk to their own safety.
I'm not really outraged. I know terrorists like that are scum. Nothing better. I expect nothing from them, nor does anyone else. When they kill people like that, I see it as another inhumane action performed by an inhumane group. America is supposed to be better, so when it gets leaked out that we are torturing people, everyone is outraged. Perhaps if we viewed America in the same light as the terrorists, we could become outraged with both sides, or with none at all, but as it is, I'm not willing to do that. I hold America to a higher standard than them.
The U.S. military, embroiled in a scandal over abuse of Iraqi prisoners, is investigating as homicides the deaths of eight more detainees

Afghan prisoners beaten to death at US military interrogation base


The recent beheading took place NOT in Iraq or by Iraqis. The american was working in Saudi Arabia and kinapped and killed by militants in that country. Americans have killed Iraqi and Afghans prisoners of war. Just do the research.
I'd just like to make the point that Iraq has skilled people capable of doing much of the rebuilding work.

The contracts for rebuilding work are highly lucrative and were awarded almost exclusively to US companies. ..hmm.
Yes, I know it was in Saudi Arabia, but it doesn't seem to be quite as big of a problem there right now as it is in Iraq. Of course things are getting worse over there, but Americans should know by now that Saudi Arabia is not an ally. It is just as dangerous there as it is in Iraq or Afghanistan
I thought the US knew Iraq was full of terrorists when we got there. I have no idea why the security is low enough to let people get kidnapped like that.

To the point of being outraged, I believe a lot of people are outraged and that includes many Saudis.

To the point of being just as dangerous as Iraq or Afghanistan, I feel compelled to comment. I believe the kingdom is even more dangerous than the other two for several reasons. Anyone who had an idea they'd be safe in Iraq or Aghanistan was not playing with a full deck.

However, many US/UK citizens have been living and working in Saudi Arabia for years without fear, except perhaps for the fear you'd experience in traffic there. They did not see any of the recent trouble coming. They've been there too long and they had that sense "that it will never happen to me". They had their heads in the sand so to speak living in their luxury villas and making a lot of money. That's why Saudi Arabia is more dangerous. A lot of people have experienced an epiphany of sorts and some of those have left. There are others who still have their heads in the sand despite recent events.
just remember the "fear and awe" bombing raids on civilian cities during clintons administration. fear and awe sounds quite like terror to me
also we cant forget the incineration of 2 civilian cities in japan a while back (the second one was just after an agreement to talk about peace btw)
im not saying the terrorists are justified, but america has done more damage in one terrorist strike than al-quaeda has ever done.
Kagebushi, I agree with you on the part about the nuclear bombs.
Americans still in the Saudi kingdom obviously think that money is more important than life so... they make money until they pay with their lives. It can't get much simpler than that.
Not much American outrage at the thousands and thousands of innocent Iraqi cilivians minding their own business in their OWN COUNTRY GOING ABOUT THEIR OWN HUMAN LIVES... now is there?
One thing to remember. We are all people, we are all humans, and we all need more love in this world. Love not hate. How is placing the value of one person's life above another's at all what we as humans are supposed to do?
It isn't. You play with fire, you get burned. Simple as that. And being "American" shouldn't make you suddenly better than any other member of the human race. But in the minds of most Americans, it does. See the connection here? America likes to boil in a pool of hate, add fuel to this hate-ridden fire, and feed on their fears by attacking other countries and devaluing the lives of others.

I'm moving to Canada as soon as I can.
Yes, the beheading should be condemned. BUT

So should the years of sanctions that killed thousands of innocents because of lack of access to basic medicines/hygiene/food.

So should the ongoing "smart" bombing of cities, filled with those who want no part in either side (but who provide a breeding ground for extremists).

So should the targeted bombing of essential infrastructure (hospitals, rail, road, electricity) that has led to increased poverty and indebtedness of the civilian population to the west (i.e. Haliburton).

So should the torture and killing, yes killing, of Iraqi prisoners in the camps of the Coalition of the Willing.

So should the detention without trial of prisoners, with no rights to any coverage under the Geneva Convention. Some of these prisoners are being held in secret, violating international law by the US government not disclosing their status to the Red Cross/NGOs.

So should the invasion of a weak and internally defunct (but strategically valuable) nation using fraudulent claims about weapons of mass destruction and ties to 911, while the nations who supported the terrorists (Pakistan, Saudi Arabia) and those who openly flaunt their weapons (North Korea) are promoted to friendly nation/ally status.

And that's just Iraq. If you corner a wild animal, of course it will bite back.

Don't even start to mention the state of the global balance of power at the moment.
Well put, I'd love to see some Bush-lovers have a nice concise retort for that post.
"Dey deserbed it! Them's is evil folks over thar!!!"
Yes yes America sucks. Americans are evil scum. Shut up with it already. I have heard more bashing of America on this forum than damn MA talk and Im honestly sick of it. i dont think I have heard one American talk about how some one elses coutry sucks, except for when everybody starts talking down on America. Somehow it not ok to talk crap about a person but an take shoots at the entire country and all is good. Why dont you people find something better to do.
Grifter - look at the topic of the thread. The topic is the War on Terror. We're talking about the War on Terror.
Does NO ONE realize it's a WAR? In wars, these funny little things no one seems to know about, people die. People, not Americans, not Civillians, not Terrorists, not Good Guys or Evil Doers. People. Torture and execution are common practises of War, while outlawed by the Geneva Convention, they have, are, and will be used by ALL sides of War. The funniest thoing about War is, the good guys are the people your told to root for. After War the good guys were the winners. Every nation that has been in War has comitted Warcrimes. But the Winners are "justified" while the loosers are deemed violent, savage, evil, devils for doing it.

All this "How dare they kill our guys, we are supposed to kill them" crap is dissgusting. Propaganda, propaganda.
you havent heard an american bash another country??? thats a joke! if you live anywhere in the southeast of the US youll hear nothing else, and it isnt much weaker in the rest of the country. we never said america was evil. we stated facts. as for mine you can look them all up. they are true. we may be "taking shots" but they all hit their mark. this is the off topic area. thats why you dont see too much MA talk. if you want to make us see why we are wrong about america, then give us reasons, instead of telling us to "shut up" and "find something better to do"
Terrorism is the last resort of desperate people and Peoples. Their fears need understanding if there's to be any hope of a solution.

Those with the power must break the cycle of violence because it is the manifestation of that power on a more insidious level that leads to the crude violence of terrorism in the first place.

Gah, Americans love to bash other countries for no reason, take for example France and then French. I don't think I need to give any more examples.
Read about MA in the MA sections of the forum, unless you are so clueless you cannot find the appropriate buttons to click to get there. Maximicus, interestingly enough, American has not declared war since World War 2, because since then presidents have just been given authority to do whatever war-like actions they feel are necessary. And it sure hasn't worked so far.
How haven't we declared a war? After I believe 60 days in a military action Congress has to approve a war or it is stopped. Which they've done in Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, Afghanistan, and whatever we decide to call this war. That sounds like declaring war to me.
it is war, but theres all kinds of political crap to sugar coat it. if they want war they should go ahead with martial law. (pretty sure theyve already decided to) i even heard that weve lost as many people as we've killed on some news channel.
Because it's self-evident that all countries suck in one way or another. I just don't see those countries going around saying that they are better than the rest of the world, and acting like the world police.
