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  1. C

    Christian answerers in politics, why should i stop being anti christian...

    ...when you think the animals and earth? are yours?
  2. C

    Christians, why can't you respect my belief to be anti christian?

    i will never you the right to believe your religion, but once you start taking your religion into politics, or treating the earth or animals like you own them, or try to tell children your religion is truth then i will call your religion out as the bullshit it is. why can't you respect my right...
  3. C

    Conservatives, why are you against letting americans treat animals like they do in...

    ...china? Look at chinas? economy? they save time and money worrying more about business and business interests than they do worthless animals. why don't we make laws like cruelty to coal or nuclear waste? i see animals as simply a resource, and not worthy as being deemed considerable life...
  4. C

    When will christians admit that emotions are not a higher level thinking trait and...

    ...are merely equivalent to? animal instinct? did you know that humans share the same brain chemistry as other mammals? why? because humans are mammals, and thus these animals share the same emotions we do. when will you stop calling our emotions 'human emotions' and simply call them mammalian...
  5. C

    Christians, what makes you think animals won't be given an afterlife after so...

    ...many humans have prayed for it? What if a group comes before christ and prays for all animals, all living things to receive an afterlife like us humans? Why wouldn't god give animals an afterlife even after so many have prayed for it to come true?
  6. C

    Why do people think animal welfare is such a joke but think that they have...

    ...inalienable rights? isn't the bigger joke that people believe they have inalienable rights? isn't it funnier when they believe those rights don't carry responsibilities? isn't it funny seeing people live in their own delusions? have you noticed the religious undermine and depreciate the...
  7. C

    Why do CHRISTIANS think atheists cannot hate the attributes ascribed to yhwh or...

    ...their religion? why can't an atheist critique religion in a 'what if this was real' scenario? can a man not postulate or think of a hypothetical? i suggest christians you look up antitheist and maltheist. i'm antitheist but don't try to convince me of a god because if i ever did believe i...
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    why can't cons and libs agree on anything? have you ever heard a solution to the

    problems you both whine about? why not just put military police who are armed to the teeth on board all planes coming in and out of the us? why break the constitution by racially profiling or invading personal space? why not just be prepared the best way possible? why not just medically test...
  9. C

    atheists you know how funny i think it is that everything you love will one

    day become nothing? everything you hold dear, everything you cherish and hold close will eventually become nothing and not exist. i'm a hater of humanity and existence itself and i enjoy watching everything crumble. isn't it funny how you get depressed and emotional at the thought of having to...
  10. C

    Isn't it funny how I couldn't care less about abortion, but fight for animal rights

    at every turn? animals feel pain. even when a fetus is almost fully developed animals are capable of suffering emotionally and physically on a higher plain. animals can actually think. a fetus hardly functions on instinct. why can't people see my side of the argument?
  11. C

    pro lifers why don't you demand food animals be given more protection until...

    ...their utmost humane death? its clear they feel pain. they probably feel pain more than a fetus does. emotionally and physically. so why not?
  12. C

    Why do Christians like to complain about "Happy Holidays?"?

    I don't see what's wrong with this at all. Christians have no right whatsoever to complain about this for two reasons. #1: Christianity is NOT a state-sponsored religion; read the First Amendment. This means that there are actually Americans who are not Christians *gasp* and celebrate a...
  13. C

    Christians can't you see Santa eat the cookies at Christmas time?! Why must... deny his existence? if you keep telling me santa doesn't exist, hes gonna sit in a corner and cry. unlike that prick named god back on planet X100-010 in galaxy 567-V who would send you to Hell if you denied his existence. Can't you see that Santa has eaten the cookies? If he didn't eat...
  14. C

    Isn't it funny how an all powerful god is dying and being dethroned?

    stephen hawking, a mere man, and though crippled is able to take on god and defeat hi through rationality and logic. Does anyone else find it funny? Soon god will be taken off of money, out of court houses completely, even atheist who say they don't believe in god in schools will be kicked out...
  15. C

    Why do the religious cry when someone posts a sign saying god doesn't exist

    but advocate generalizing muslims? 1.5 billion muslims and you're gonna call all of them unworthy of life and terrorists? how stupid can you be? Don't you realize your god - yahweh is just as big of a tyrannical, malevolent, misogynistic, homophobic, biased, bigoted, mean spirited prick as...
  16. C

    Conservatives could you vote for someone regardless of what religion or...

    ...lack of they ascribed to? What if a presidential candidate was asked about his beliefs and said that he believed humans have never known if a god or afterlife exists or not or what characteristics these things did or didn't have and he doubts they would ever know. He then said that he doesn't...
  17. C

    christians In christianity why is it that humans are above all other creatures?

    why did god make a hierarchy and especially such a cruel one where things must feel pain and often times are eaten while alive in the wild. creatures who value their well being are raped of that right by what you christians call gods greatest creation nature. why does original sin spread to...
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    Christians if animals are for our use why do they value their lives and...

    ...well-being? Is god a sadist? Plants have incompletely developed central nervous systems, meaning that they just like a zygote don't really feel pain how we know it to be. I could never hurt an animal. :( ez read this, fish do feel pain all animals feel pain...
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    Atheists what does it say to you about a christians character when they say animals

    don't have souls? Though I'm undecided on the idea of somehow living on after death it seems unlikely, but how does their general regard towards that statement make you feel?
  20. C

    Christians who love animals need to watch this music video. This is an

    anthem for our natural world? Could you tell me what you think about this video and if you like the music and theme? :) Symphony of science the unbroken thread