Why do Christians like to complain about "Happy Holidays?"?


Feb 26, 2008
I don't see what's wrong with this at all. Christians have no right whatsoever to complain about this for two reasons.

#1: Christianity is NOT a state-sponsored religion; read the First Amendment. This means that there are actually Americans who are not Christians *gasp* and celebrate a different winter holiday. The term "Happy Holidays" is perfect, because everyone's winter celebrations are included. Since Christmas is officially recognized as a holiday, it is included under "Happy Holidays." What's wrong with that?

#2: Christmas is a rip-off of several pagan holidays that were celebrated throughout pre-Christian Europe during winter solstice, including Yule and Saturnalia. Jesus was NOT born on December 25; early Christians chose this date so that their fake holiday could compete with and eventually absorb all of these other pagan holidays and their respective traditions. Christians have absolutely no right to complain about a fictional "War on Christmas" that "Ruins the true meaning of the season" because ancient/medieval Christians ruined all of Europe's REAL holidays and "meanings for the season" to begin with. Christians complaining about the meaning of their holiday being ruined is a perfect example of the pot calling the kettle black.

So quit your b*tching, Christians.