What are your predictions --- for the US in the next 1 to 5 yrs -- 2010 to 2014?


Jul 8, 2008
Brzezinski is predicting class war --- others are predicting riots civil unrest and so on

Some see a new dawn and a new hope

Some see a world at war ---


The speculation I have heard runs wild -- land for US debt where the creditors take land in payment

Hyperinflation -- massive deflation FEMA camps nuclear war --- the list of dire predictions appears endless and a little worse each day


Where are you --- what are your predictions and why do you think that?
It depends on how long the so-called messiah is allowed to stay in the White House.

If only one term, we might survive. However at the rate he is spending money it might not matter. 30 million dollars a day — fact.

If two terms, We all will have to learn how to speak Chinese because they are going to own our country to pay off the debt.

This does not include if terrorist attack our country. He will want to try to talk them to death. Ha ha like that ever worked — NOT.