What are your predictions for the next 5 yrs War economic collapse...


Jul 8, 2008
...recovery and sunshine ? Tensions between Pakistan and India have not gone away -- India's testing of a supersonic missile is a clear signal of that

Iran remains in the sights of Israel -

China is making their military presence known to the US and wagging an angry and lecturing finger at US markets and money management

Russia is still angry and feels threatened over a missile shield in Europe

North Korea is threatening war with the US and South Korea --- over exercises and a satellite they intend to launch

Japan --- has said it reserves the right to shoot it down --North Korea says that equals war

This is likely not the end of the list of tensions that might lead to war and threatened wars that may or may not end in nuclear exchanges

Predictions for the US economy appear very bad to extremely bad to horrifically bad

There is open talk about dumping the US dollar as the reserve currency which would cause instant hyperinflation --


But what are your predictions over the next 5 yrs ?
That's all 3rd world pissing matches. I don't care about those people as long as I have a pair of Nike's to wear I could care less what happens over there.
We will start to recover just in time for Obama to KILL our economy with Cap and Trade & universal health care.
the country is being run by buffoons,the worst scenario can happen.you should have enough resources to protect your family and pray/hope for a smart conservative ticket for 2012.
You're right about war. Obama needs a good one to bolster the economy. Too bad he knows nothing about foreign affairs.
Government collapse. This may not mean economic collapse but I think governments (plural) will.
09 - Oppression
10 - Oppression
11 - Oppression
12 - Late November - Liberation with a definite hope and change slant.