I scraped this lady's car driving today? Is there something I should have done


May 13, 2008
differently? I was pulling out of the parking lot, in a very tight space. I didn't quite have enough room, and bumped the rear corner of her van (going probably 1/2 mph, barely moving). She pulled forward a bit, and as I got past her I rolled down the window (she was talking about not being able to pull forward any more - as I said, it was pretty crowded; she was partially blocking the driveway). I asked "Am I okay?" (I don't know if she heard that), she said "You're fine" and got back in her car.
When I got home, I checked my car and although some of the dirt was scraped off, no damage at all, so I'm guessing her car wasn't hurt too badly either.
But I'm going through the whole thing over and over in my head, and I'm scared that I didn't do something I should have. Besides the fact that all the people watching will give me hell for it tomorrow, I think I have fully learned my lesson about my lack of spatial awareness and don't want legal trouble.
So can you either reassure me, or have some advice on how to fix the situation?
Thank you!
Also, just to clarify - I did say she was partly blocking the driveway, which wasn't the best place for her to be, but I realize it was my stupidity that caused the problem, it's all my fault.