killer headaches and neck pain?


New member
Feb 6, 2009
For a long time, i have been getting terrible headaches that no amount of tylenol, advil, aleve etc. can cure. Also, i get abstolutely terrible pain at my neck and shoulder blades. Ive been told (not by doctors) that the neck pain is a pinched nerve, which after some rubbing gets relief, but this rubbing involves me getting someone to litterally beat my shoulder until the pain is gone. Also, this happens usually daily, and i get light headed and i have fainted because of the pain. I know, that i should get a doctors oppinion, but the thing is, i have gotten neck xrays, been to an allergist, an ear eye nose and throat doc, the eye doctors, etc etc etc etc etc. and they say that everythings fine. that why the crazy pain that makes me want to cut my head off!?