How bad can my luck be? Nextar Q4 GPS?


May 23, 2008
For christmas I got a Nextar Q4 GPS and it is not working. The gps thinks that it is in Sacremento, CA and I live in MD. It is not receiving a satellite signal and CA is where it was tested or the last signal it found.
The unit came from KMART and it was on sale for 119.00 and came with $20 mail in rebate. The rebate was mailed in (cut the upc code off of the box and sent in receipts. I did make a copy of everything. The envelope came back with a sticker saying found w/o contents. So the original receipt and upc code is lost in the mail somewhere. I considered taking it back but figured they wouldnt take it back with a copied receipt and upc and the original upc cut off of the box. So I called the company and they finally returned the call. The had me register the product and then they said that I could send it back to them but it would cost $25 plus shipping to get a new one. I dont see why I should pay when the product is defective. They said 25 is nothing for a 300 dollar gps which I dont know what they were talking about... I told them I bought it from store for $100. They said there was nothing else I could do.

My options:
1. Resend the copied rebate form and upc and receipt to try to get my $20 rebate.
2. Take the gps back to KMART w/o upc. Likely that this will be a waste of time. (Also GPS is registered in my name)
3. Buy a new exact same one at KMART. Take the old one back w/ new receipt. May be able to do this but again GPS is in my name if someone else buys it and tries to register it. Also, it would cause a problem for whoever bought it if I returned it.
4. My only other option is to be out $100 and go buy a Garmin or TomTom. but $100 more and I could get a nice one.
I dont want to be out $100 so I am thinking I should resend rebate and buy a new one and take back old one, but I dont think that i really want a nextar gps either after all this trouble.

What should I do??