Why does everyone seem to ask questions about religion?


New member
Jul 9, 2008
It seems that every other question is on religion.. Is it because of whats going on in the world today With religion?
Obviously in this section yes.
I mean on the home page though... Every other question is on religion.
This is the section. Religion and Spirituality. Should we ignore the religious aspect altogether?
It is such an important subject. What you believe defines you as a person, it says whether you have faith in the LORD God Almighty.

It is God who wants you to turn to Him and treat Him as your heavenly Father. To have faith in God is so wonderful for He has a plan and purpose for mankind and it's all in the inspired word of God, the Bible.
Absolutely, and more. Religion has a tendancy to preach about how people should conduct themselves and live their lives in a manner that does not take into account the complexity of society and without being open to debate or admiting fault.

Add in the terrorism thing at the moment (ultimately based in religion, if a highly warped variant) and recent high profile challenges to christianity such as the ordination of women and same-sex marriage, suddenly religion is very much at the forfront of many peoples minds.

The debate is open and religion is being made accountable, for better or worse. About time.
Um, you're in the religion section. If you don't want to see questions about religion you might try one of the other sections.
This is, after all, the religion section. It would seem appropriate, don't you think?

As for general questions, I haven't seen an R&S related question on the general list in some time. I think they're (Y!A) is filtering them, IMO.
It may have something to do with the title of this section. Religion and Spirituality. It is also a very important part of life.
because they're insecure, and cant stand to beleive the truth without having the support of others
Yes, about what is going on in the world, but more than that our personal destinies. Where will we go when we die, to heaven or hell? Some choose to not believe they exist but that doesn't change the facts. Hell is eternal torment...why take a chance on it?