Why can I criticize some ones politics, but not his religion?


New member
Dec 10, 2008
If I meet a marxist, communist or nazi, then I can ridicule and condemn his political opinion any way I want to and try to humble him in a debate with facts and figures. And as long as neither party resorts to violence, it's socially ok and acceptable.

If I try to do the same about some ones religion, then I'm being offensive and hurtful.

Why does believe in a god get special treatment from society?
What's stopping you? Join in the fun!

This is R&S, man: Christians criticize atheists "nyah nyah nyah," and atheists make fun of Christians "nyah nyah nyah" and most of them seem to be having the times of their lives doing it.
All items are up for debate, especially on here. What you don't want to do is ridicule them and condemn them... that isn't a debate that is an attack. If both parties are able to freely speak their mind without insults from either side and with all feelings, facts, etc. presented then religious or political debates are great and should be had to open peoples minds and feed learning. I often have religious debates with people but a debate assumes respect for the other party which doesn't lead to telling someone they are wrong, stupid, small minded, burning in hell, etc. Once insults come into a conversation you are converting to an argument or an insult and that isn't shined upon in any aspect of society.... race, sex, religion, politics, all protected for anti-discrimination for employment which means that they shouldn't be a basis for insult. Now if you are dealing with an idiot then treat them like an idiot. Its a low blow but sometimes that is just what fits. Like the other said be an equal opportunity offender, that is the best ticket, but remember there are probably others thinking the same of you.
because a person holds their religion more sacred than their views on politics. Religion is something passed down from generation to generation while political views and opinions can often change throughout the course of a generation and a life time.
well, the more reliant on fantasy a concept is, the more fragile it is and vulnerable to critique so of course religion would be "too sacred" to criticize and debate in polite society. politics also become sensitive topic for similar reasons (if reason has anything to do with it at all).

PS. it's taken for granted that Y/A isn't polite society.
I'm not sure what your religious beliefs are, but I'm sure they're retarded.

There you go. Your turn.
You're mistaken. It is not socially acceptable to criticize politics or religion. They are social taboos.
I expect to be questioned on both subjects. So fire away. I am not daunted because I myself have asked and am asking questions involving Politics and religion. I am not so into the political part anymore, but I have soul searched my way around it for years. As for my religion, that's actually why I am here.
Why can I criticize someones politics, but not his race?
Why can I criticize someones politics, but not their gender?
Why can I criticize someones politics, but not the politician?

Oh wait, I can do all those things if I am willing to face the punishment for doing so.
Ridiculing politics isn't exactly a great thing, either.

Remember that time period when everybody was suspected of being a member of the Communist party?

And nothing is technically stopping you from ridiculing others' beliefs. But nothing is stopping them from ridiculing yours either.
supposedly in polite conversation, politics and religion should not be raised. but then, what's the fun in the conversation. I think no matter what your opinion, if you have to resort to personal ridicule to get your point across, I don't think that is beneficial to anyone. This opinion would hold true for conversations about religious beliefs or any other opinions.

I don't think a genuine inquiry into a person's religious affiliation would offend anyone
You can criticize anyone you want. You have to live with yourself, and if being critical is fun for you, go for it.