I've lost faith in politics for justice. Should i just believe in religion instead?


May 24, 2008
This isn't about left or right. This isn't about political agenda, this is about Patriotism. It doesn't matter if it was Obama, McCain, or Joe Schmoe for that matter. It's about the Elitist's appointed anyone to become President that is willing to play ball. It's quite obvious the people of this country....THE COMMON MAN, is not in control anymore. It's our country! The every man. Day after day, more and more of our constitutional rights are being taken away from us and people sit by either accepting it, not paying attention, or are completely unaware because big media has made us believe that Octomom and Britney Spears is hard hitting news and not the fact that our Country is slipping out of our grip, now more than ever.

Its about standing up and being aware of all things happening. It's about rising up as one, regardless of politics, and demanding our Country, to our control! I don't care if it was the extreme left or extreme right in office, the end result is the same because at the end of the day, the President is nothing more than a "Store Manager" as where the shadow government, the Elitist's are the CEO's, the real people in charge.
All you people quick to dismiss before looking at the cold hard evidence at hand will be the ones who suffer the most. You think your little $1,000,000 bonus and salary puts you in the rich elite? HAHA!! Hardly.

The people in real control has the money that makes Bill Gates and Carlos Slim Helu's look like welfare cases.

Of course anyone who "conspires" anything not covered in general media is considered a nut job. Why is that? Because that's what big media has made you believe.

You dont think that this war on terrorism was a coincidence when things are starting to get really bad? Its because sooner or later, people will catch in and there will be a revolt against those making decisions.

There will be a revolution and attempts of coup d' état to take back this country, and those men who so bravely perform the truest form of patriotism will be labeled domestic terrorists. A label that has been so

strongly melted in our brains as "Anti-American"

This was all warned to us by the founding fathers. Are they nut jobs? Are they wackos? Are they domestic terrorists for condoning the idea of the people of America to revolt against the government and those

privately try to impose power against our people? Of course not!

Don't fall victim to turning a blind eye to something that might seem too big to be real.
Everybody outside of the US have always known that you don't have a democracy - you have an oligarchy. Finally someone who sees it for what it is.
Religion is not going to help though.
The God Yahweh wrote The Mosaic Laws as just judicial laws for the societies of His people to follow to maintain liberty and justice for all amongst the people of His nation both rich and poor. The founding fathers of America who left England to start their own country realized this and modeled America's judicial laws after Yahweh's Mosaic Laws. Yahweh warned us to pick our kings who swear to uphold these laws or else our government will overtime corrupt itself to the point of making its' own people slaves of their own country, which is what the American people have now allowed to happen to themselves by embracing Darwinism and separation of church and state. I'm afraid it will now take an act of God to give America back to its' people.
Sounds like you've decided to go from a system that "needs work" to one that's "fubar", the one that's "fubar" is largely responsible for the problems in the first one.

Only the mentally ill advocate violence in a patriotic attempt to fix the government they claim to be patriotic to. Another word is traitor. If you believe there's a big conspiracy then uncover it, if you think people aren't being represented then get them to be involved. If you think you'd like to lash out at a system you don't understand and that others will join you then seek mental health clinics because you have problems that are bigger than you.