If worse came to worse and all the supermarkets closed for a month would...


New member
Nov 25, 2008
Yes Sir! I'd be out there 'Stalking the good life' and making 'Stone soup'. I can leach acorns, pick fruit and trap little critters but I don't think I'd be eating any meat during the time. I know my roots in the ground and how to prepare cattails or identify edible greens. I could handle it but I'd rather not.
...you be able to hunt to survive?
You aren't married to Max Payne are you Jane?
Joana: Talking of stone soup, there is a woman in China who's diet consists mainly of stone. She is perfectly fit and healthy. Maybe stone is the way forward?
Wow, it's good to know that many of you have a months supply of food stored away. I have enough food to last about three days. I have some mint and rhubarb in the garden but I doubt that is going to get me very far bartering wise.
Yes; rice and beans may be boring, but I generally have at least a month's supply in my pantry. I also have plenty of olive oil, seasonings, and a fire place.

We have fish that we can catch within 4 blocks of my house; and we have fishing tackle.

I still have some pumpkin and sunflower seeds that I haven't planted yet.

I know where the farms are in my county; and have backpacks so that I can go gleen.

I'm confident that my husband and I could trade for or find whatever else we' d need.
last time I tried to hunt for milk and bread I wasted a lot of bullets.

I could do with or without meat for a month. nothing to hunt for in this area except rabid foxes, and gray squirrels. Still I guess I could as Shakespeare said "kill all the lawyers" they are real easy to hunt.

Could go down the creek and fish, but that is not considered hunting in this area.
I would just have to hunt in my pantry there is enough food in there for more than a month and plenty in the freezer.
No. We live on a desert island which doesn't grow anything edible apart from coconuts, and all those had to be cut down before Hurrican Ike. We'd have to survive on what happened to be in our cupboards and hope that the water supply was still functioning. Never mind, there's an upside to all this. I'd have a stunning figure at the end of it all!
I really wouldn't want to eat any wild game. There are too many mouths to feed in this house to have a month's supply of food on hand, so the boys may turn cannibalistic and hunt each other, lol!
Better believe it. I have numerous canned goods ... a manual can opener, water, and a shotgun w/ shells.
I'd only have to hunt in my pantry to survive ... lol ... use the gun to keep potential antagonists away.
yes i could -- would not have to hunt -- just kill some farm animals and go to the freezer for veggies!!!
We could probably make it close to a month, EXCEPT if that happened, I know my kids would be on my doorstep. So let me change that to about 2 weeks.

We don't hunt, but we do fish. However, fish do not fear us. They just laugh in our faces and swim away. So maybe we would starve.

OMG - we're goin' down!
Hell no. I'd be eaten by my neighbors in a week. If I can't call for delivery, what's the point of living anyway?