Should I move out or stay at home?


May 20, 2008
I've been having lots of problems with my dad. He has told my mum that he has given up on me and doesn't care if I move out. He has stopped talking to me too. I hate the tension in my house, and feel like if he doesn't want me to stay at home then maybe i should leave. It is really upsetting me.

However I live in a nice house. I have my mum here who i'm close to. I am currently a university student and would have to take out loans to cover my living costs (I know its normal for students to do this but i want to be in as little debt as possible!) My dad comes home at 6pm and then goes to bed at 9pm so I dont see him much anyway.

I dont know whether moving out is a good idea. I dont want to keep living in a home where I am not wanted by my dad - however I know I couldn't get a nicer place, and I would struggle financially. But im training to be a solicitor so maybe id be able to pay back the debt fairly quickly?

I am going to study in sweden for a year next year so technically i have 8 months left at home this year, and when i return from sweden i wilI have to live here for just under a year.

I know this is my personal decision, but it would help me if I could know - what would you do and why?? Thanks for any answers!
Sorry for my bad English I speak Spanish...

I still live with my parents. I'm 19 years old. But what i have to say is
spend the most time with you parents as you can. When u feel you need to leave and nothing is holding you back then leave. But don't leave problems beat you up. You still want to live with your mom. So stay. You are going to leave in 8 months to another place to study and then coming back. You would need that money u sparing to maintain yourself out there.

Well in case you want to move out find a friend or a roommate that you can economically balance the dues. So it wont be so expensive.

But remember that your mom and dad still loves you...

So do what you best think is for you...

God Bless...
If I was in your shoes, I would stay. The main reason why you should stay is because of your mom. I think this will destroy her if you left now. And as far as your dad goes then just ignore him. If he's at the house at 6 but in bed by 9 then you don't see that much of him. And whatever is pushing your dad to be this way then don't worry about it and let him deal with it. You say you only have 8 months left before you leave for Sweden and sweetie your 8 months will go by fast. The only thing you need to do is to keep your distance where your dad is concerned. Your dad seems to have issues that he needs to deal with and if he cannot deal with them then there is nothing that you can do. But don’t leave now.