My fish develop white spots on them and then they kind of slump around and then


New member
Aug 27, 2008
they die after a few days help? first before i got this new tank developed i had 32 fish in my old tank. Everything was going just fine until all of a sudden my fish seemed to all just sink down in the tank. Then i saw a minor development of white dots on them. Eventually the fish got really mangled up, their fins got eaten up and torn up, the white dots completely covered their bodies, and they would slump down to the bottom of the tank and they would not eat anything. then i had about 2-3 fish dying a day! I thought that it was some kind of epidemic that happened from a sick fish. But when i used the medication they just started dying quicker! Now i have a new tank and it has not been 4 days since i got it and i have a pair of black mollies and 2 pairs of guppies. one of the black mollies has been kind of acting weird and inactive kind of resting on the bottom of the aquarium. 1 of my guppies is resting on the plants in the aqaurium and it has a few white dots on it. I dont want all of my fish to die again! Please someone help me out!
the white spots are ich.... go to wal mart or a pet store and buy some chemical for treating ich and then clean your tank a few days after the ich is goen
It is Ick. Go to the pet store and get some Ick treatment for your tank.
Sounds like ich to me. Go to the petstore and treat the tank. Malachite green is thus far, my pick over copper (Cu) treatments. Follow the instructions on the botle and don't forget to remove your carbon filter cartridge!
Sounds like a protozoa infection, or Marine Ich if they are freshwater fish. Go to the store and get some treatment for the fish and the water.
its a form of fungus if you pop down to the pet shop they should be able to give you some drops to help get rid of it

good luck
It happens when the fish tank isn't being cleaned properly. If they all start dying again. Wait before you buy new fish and clean the entire tank out.
Your fish have ick. Treat with Quick Cure and slowly raise the temperature of the aquarium water and add the recommended dose of aquarium salt. This treatment has helped all my fish that have ever caught ick.
Your fish have ick. Treat with Quick Cure and slowly raise the temperature of the aquarium water and add the recommended dose of aquarium salt. This treatment has helped all my fish that have ever caught ick.