poll :why do people hate yorkies ,chihuahua, or put bulls or the bully breeds?


May 30, 2008
why do people hate yorkies ,chihuahuas ,pit bulls or bully breeds i don't get it? why?

i have a yorkie and jack russel and people will critise them and say things like they bark too much, yorkies are yappy, jack Russel's are too much work to cope with and are stubborn and my dogs arent like that,

my yorkie doesnt quailfy as a pure breed i think hes mixed but people will rudely assume that hes badly breed and that he isnt as good as pure. but i know one thing my dog is very fit and healty for 11 years old no health probs at all, ever. and is very good and smart and i take good care of him and my dog isnt puppy mill or byb, why does it matter if dogs arent pure? surely its more important that you rise them well and love them? i have know people to get top notch dogs and mistreat them.

have you ever had people sterotype your dog and be rude to them because of their breed? whats your opinions of this?
and how do you deal with people saying nasty comments to your dog? if you have that prob.

please no nasty comments.
thank you