why are people so brain dead about mix breed dogs?


New member
Nov 25, 2008
mix breed dogs are some of the most problem free healthy dog breeds you can get ! Purebreeds {which originated from mixing different types of dogs to get a certain look anyway} have all the gene pool problems because there limited to the same genes over and over again.Mainly hip problems for larger dogs and sinus/ breathing problems with smush face dogs ect.ect they end up in the pounds because people cant afford the vet bills with all there problems.Online there is a list of pure breeds and the problems their prone to.not to mention they come with outrageous prices ..One major reason for all the homeless dogs in the pound, Are landlords if they were more open to larger dogs people wouldn't have to get rid of their animals when forced to move because of job losses or just changing jobs.landlords could at lease give someone a chance frist .Or try to work with people!,but they don't. ya there worried about damage more than an animals life.So thats why people are breeding more small mixed breed dogs their low cost and excepted in appartments...If you have a small breed dog in good health and you get a list of pre buying familys and sell the puppies for 200.00 or less i think thats great.That whole shit about if you cant afford to buy it at 800.00 then you cant afford the care! is totaly false.Your not a bad person for tring to save money and still enjoy things in life.Rememder the saing if you can't say something nice or helpful dont say anything at all...stop being rude...