Why is it that there was no talk about change for the future in the Republican...


New member
Sep 5, 2008
...convention? ? I heard them talk about things of the past. Most of it about John POW status. But there was really no talk of the future. How they planned to fix things for America. I heard a lot of bashing of Obama and his policies but no explanation of what they were going to do just keep going back to what other people have done in the past. I don't care about the past I care about the future.
They mentioned changed your right but they didn't mention specifics.

and Mccain I haven't heard his speech yet as I am just getting home from work but the people that spoke on his behalf in the last few days all they did was bash and talk about the past. There was no clarity for the future.
Again I am asking about the whole convention not just Mccains speech. I have not yet heard his speech so therefore I am not commenting on that part of the convention just the convention as a whole.
I wasn't looking to hear the word "change" i wanted to hear them say exactly what is their plans for change. That is what is important to me. i want a platform and ideas I can stand behind.
I heard lots of talk about the future in McCain and Palin's speeches the last two nights. I also heard lots of talk about Changing the way things are done in Washington. My personal favorite, was McCain's statement that he would veto any frivolous spending bills that came across his desk and he would make sure the public Knew who wrote them and voted for them. That would be something that would shake the foundations of the old machine in Washington, and make our congressmen accountable.
I heard a lot of talk about the future in that speech. Were you watching the same convention speech I did? Nevermind, you just admitted you did and that you have no idea what you are talking about.

As far as specifics go, do you really want to go down that route? Obama gave the same speech John Kerry gave 4 years ago and forgot to mention how he is going to pay for it.