Can a nextel SIM card be placed in any unlocked phone?


May 13, 2008
i have a nextel direct connect phone but i dont want one with the direct connect but my parents contract is for two years and they dont want to change it so i wanted to know if i can put the SIM card in any unlocked phone or does it have to be from nextel?
im pretty sure it will work for any unlocked phone. If not just take it to the place you pay your phone bill and have them switch it over.
So, your asking if you can put your SIM card in any other ordinary phone?

The answer, is yes. A SIM card holds your Address Book data, and the cell phone provider details. So, everywhere you take your SIM card, you can put it in any phone you want.

Be sure to Move all your contacts to your Phone, then back to your SIM card. Sometimes, the first contacts go in your phone. Then, once you add them, they go into your sim. Or vis versa. So, whatever you do, just move all your contacts to your SIM card. If you know how to do it.

If not, go to google, and search ****(cell phone model replaces with the asterisks) manual.
Or something similair. And, I actually spelt "asterisks" right. I'm a spelling genius.. Yeah.. Good trait. But, I do mispell words that I don't even notice.

Hope this helps!