Slightly Elevated ALT?


May 15, 2008
I'm a 28-year-old gay male. Recently, I underwent a biometric screening at work, and all of the results came back normal save my ALT level which was listed at 52. I consumed a couple of hard liquor cocktails, a few craft beers, and a shot approximately 48 hours to the blood draw. I've also received unprotected oral sex on a handful of occasions during the months leading up to the blood draw. Naturally, I'm concerned that I could have contracted an illness such as hepatitis. My doctor would like me to come in for a medical history and further testing.

My AST was 25, my billirubins are 0.4, my albumin is 4.4, and my alkaline phosphatase is 51 all which are in the normal range.

Am I stressing needlessly or should I be concerned? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!