Can Christians listen to secular music with profanity that DOES NOT promote sin?


May 20, 2008
Artists like Kendrick Lamar, Nas, Common, Lupe Fiasco and some others have lyrical songs that don't promote sin & are lyrical, but they contain profanity. Should I still listen to them? I do listen to Christians artists like Lecrae, Trip Lee, KB, etc too if anybody was going to recommend them to me.

(I would prefer if Christians answer this question. PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL AS POSSIBLE.)
I quit not because of my religious training .. I think it desensitizes you to many thing that go on in society, bigotry, violence, killing, treating people like human beings and not just something that doesn't matter-garbage. I got tired of sitting by my self-in a car, on a bench, or at work and having that filth run through my head and seeing how it made me feel about other people ..yes it was catchy and shocking to others but it made me feel on a level lower than I deserve to be on. I started to think that was the best I could do .. and it wasn't. I have a much better vocabulary now and am able to look at more than just one side of an issue/argument. I listen to real Christian music than doesn't have to degrade anyone or use vulgarities just to get the shock value out of it. I hope you the best.. pray about it, (all things) Ask and He will direct your path. He gave us life and has some great ideas how to live it ask and listen, read the bible he may direct you to verses that help you decide what he thinks is right for you. Good Luck!
No. Fill your mind with profanity and it will be hard to get rid of. Keep your heart and mind pure.