
  1. S

    Can Christians listen to secular music with profanity that DOES NOT promote sin?

    Artists like Kendrick Lamar, Nas, Common, Lupe Fiasco and some others have lyrical songs that don't promote sin & are lyrical, but they contain profanity. Should I still listen to them? I do listen to Christians artists like Lecrae, Trip Lee, KB, etc too if anybody was going to recommend them to...
  2. N

    Please do not answer with anti-Christ answers. Do secular Christians

    still go to heaven? I go to a public high school. Im about to join the Navy. And I do and have done worldly things that i know i can stop like drinking and stuff but i really dont want to. I know i should give anything distancing myself from God over to him but Im having a hard time with it and...
  3. S

    Secular persons: Who is your favorite Christian band? Christians: Who is...

    ...your favorite secular band? My favorite Jesus band is Sacrament.
  4. M

    Christians, do you believe in secular government?

    The first amendment should protect people's beliefs and allow them to practice them (as long as they aren't hurting anyone) freely. But do you think that religion should stay out of politics for the most part?
  5. G

    Help Jen Prostitute Herself For the Secular Student Alliance!!!

    In a bloggy way, that is. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
  6. I

    How might Judaism be secular or religious?

    How might Judaism be consider secular or religious?
  7. A

    If there is no historical evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ, why do secular

    university professors....? ..... (many of whom are atheists and agostics) affirm that the Historical Jesus lived in the first century and his teachings became the foundation of the Christian religion? Why do Internet forums take exception and claim otherwise? [I've been a member of AAR and...
  8. S

    So Christianity is the secular verison of Judaism?

    Yes. Jesus and his disciples were Jews and They were following the Mosaic Law and keep the Jewish faith. Christianity created when Gentiles came and the council of Jerusalem broke the ties of Jews and Christians, thanks to Paul, a Jew. Then it became more secular when the Catholic church and...
  9. L

    Why do christian listen to secular music?

    if you are christian you should not be listening to secular music in the fist place and don't go saying rue stuff because youare christian God Bless
  10. R

    Clarify pls? Judaism-a religion? Israel - secular or religion? Torah -book of...

    ...God or book ? ~~~~ outlining Jewish way of life? Torah? - comparable to Bible, or just parts of it? Thanks
  11. C

    Can we find any reference to Christ in contemporaneous secular writers?

    There are references to Christ by several historians.Tacitus, who was praetor under Domitian in A.D. 88, only 58 yrs, after the crucifixion, refers to Christ (annal XV:44) Pliny the Younger, who was tribune in in Syria about the same time also refers to him. There are also references in Lucian...
  12. S

    (Judaism) Does an eruv enclosing a secular suburb actually do anything practical?

    I've read it on wikipedia and I still don't get it. It sounds like the equivalent of tying a piece of string around an area and saying 'anything goes now because we're surrounded by a piece of string'. Does the eruv actually do anything practical?
  13. G

    BAT 2010: The Secular School

    This is my belated contribution to Blogging Against Theocracy. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  14. G

    Secular Summer Camp Needs Your Help, is There to Help You

    Camp Quest is a secular summer camp program, and the Minnesota Version of it has been growing in recent years, and needs volunteers to help. 2010 camping dates are June 25 to July 31, not too far from the Twin Cities. Here's a brochure (PDF, 900K) with more info, and the web site is here...
  15. G

    This is why I prefer secular aid agencies to Christian aid agencies

    Why did this disaster hit Haiti? Pat Robertson will be happy to tell you. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  16. S

    How is Xmas music played on a secular radio station different from Xmas music

    played to Christian radio statio? n? I typed Xmas instead of Christmas because I didn't have enough room to type the whole question if I typed out "Christmas"
  17. T

    what are three secular trends of the Enlightenment?

    modern world history..... :( sorry, i can't be more specific, that's the question i'm supposed to answer. i'm just as confused! :/
  18. C

    If the UK is a secular cohesive society why is religion such an issue?

    I'm feed up seeing 'racist' posts. The recent 'Gaza' assault by Israel was wrong full stop. Why are there effects on British citizens who follow the Jewish faith (like all religion I would like to say myth)? Did these people have any direct input into the conflict? Rise in antisemitic attacks...
  19. L

    Secular progress and religion, completely clash don't they?

    Think of a question, upon which we once had a scientific answer, however inadequate, but for which now the best answer is a religious one. Now, you can think of an uncountable number of answers that run the other way where we once had a religious answer and now the authority of religion has been...
  20. S

    Are you able to distinguish between secular Jews, religious Jews,...

    ...Zionists, and Israelis? nb - space prevents me writing Jews/Jewish people above.