Dreamt about a crush from when I was in college and if was weird?


New member
Dec 13, 2012
When I was in college I didn't know that he had a crush on me until he got drunk at a party and wanted to take me home and was telling me he liked me for a long time. After then every time he saw me around campus he would avoid me until one day I couldn't take it anymore and I approached him and told him that it was fine and everyone gets drunk and says a lot of stuff and then he stopped avoiding me. But I started to develop a crush on him and his friends knew and he knew but he was still too shy to do anything about it and neither was I lol so I graduated without nothing happening. In the dream he wanted me to come to a party he was hosting but was all over me like we were a couple but everytime I tried to kiss him he would move his head. But I was laying on top of him and talking to him and making jokes. He even helped me pick out my outfit for his party. I don't know what this dream means help?!