Getting aids by needles at raves, is this true or just a rumor.?


New member
Jun 22, 2008
Is it true there is a group of people in each rave infecting people with aids by injecting them with infected needles, is this true or just a rumor? I really want to go to a rave buts simply not worth getting aids.
Rave = aids? Well....not necessarily. INJECTING STREET DRUGS AND SHARING NEEDLES WITH OTHER USERS = AIDS. Now....that is a true fact. I don't think that people are trying to spread HIV...What they are doing is trying to get high. The fact that they have aids or are infected with HIV is not really known by them. They are not living a life where they are getting tested regularly, life is a party, and they aren't really seeing to their appropriate behavior or they wouldn't be shooting up. If you go to a rave, you shouldn't do drugs, if you do drugs you shouldn't inject them. If you inject them you shouldn't share needles. Good Luck
Yeah, the incidence of HIV among intravenous drug uses/needle sharers is pretty compelling. To be infected, the virus must be introduced into your bloodstream - - - so a contaminated needle injected into your body is a lot more dangerous than sex.

Still not sure about health "experts" claims that a mosquito can't transmit, even if it bites the HIV+ person next to you then immediately bites you. . . . . . they always sight body temp, the virus dieing on exposure to air & lower temps . . . . . but since mosquitoes transmit so many other diseases, I'm not convinced.

Don't know what a big-city rave is like - - - - one at a gay club, etc. In my little town, peeps aren't passing needles around !!