how to set up remote desktop connection with a pda/ppc?


yeh dude

Basicly if you could help me do this...

then that would make my day!! thanks!!

- I have a "o2 xda exec" pocket pc it has windows mobile 5 on it. It also has a program called "Terminal services client" which i think thats what i need to use, i have tryed it but no look =[

- My laptop is running xp pro, it is wireless and it connects to the internet through a wireless box (made by belkin).

- I have the "Allow users to connect remotly to this comuter" boz checked in my computer properties

- My internet service is broadband and is by ticali

- I have port 3389 open on my laptop and the firewall on the roughter is disabled

- My laptop has no password

At the moment ive tryed putting my laptop name in the terminal services client and trying to connect but it wont work.

My msn/email adress is [email protected]

maybe sombody could help me whils on I.M

You must have a password on the account you are using to Remote Desktop into your PC on.
For security reasons, Windows will not allow an account without a password to connect remotely.. regardless of the settings. - it is impossible.

so first put a passowrd on your account.

Next, create a port forwarding rule on your router to tell it that any traffic on port 3389 needs to do to your Local PC. -- the exact steps varies from router to router but it shoudl look something like this

Check your routers Tech Support site, they usually have instructions on setting up Port Forwarding rules. -- One manufacturer (SMC) even had a how tutorial on it.

Next find out your Public IP address -- this is the IP address that your Internet Provider has assigned you. try using
from your home PC.

From your PDA.. start up Terminal Services Client and type in \YOURIP:3389

NOTE: Your Public IP changes occasionally, especially if your reboot your router. - so you might need to check your public IP once or twice a week to be safe.

Optional: Use DynamicDNS from so that you don't have to worry about changing IPs -- DynDns will allow you to associate YOUR public IP with a domain name they own. Then you install a free program that auto-updates DynDNS whenever your public IP changes.
To connect you simply tupe in your domain name instead of IP. example: instead of typing \ you'd type: \
You must have a password on the account you are using to Remote Desktop into your PC on.
For security reasons, Windows will not allow an account without a password to connect remotely.. regardless of the settings. - it is impossible.

so first put a passowrd on your account.

Next, create a port forwarding rule on your router to tell it that any traffic on port 3389 needs to do to your Local PC. -- the exact steps varies from router to router but it shoudl look something like this

Check your routers Tech Support site, they usually have instructions on setting up Port Forwarding rules. -- One manufacturer (SMC) even had a how tutorial on it.

Next find out your Public IP address -- this is the IP address that your Internet Provider has assigned you. try using
from your home PC.

From your PDA.. start up Terminal Services Client and type in \YOURIP:3389

NOTE: Your Public IP changes occasionally, especially if your reboot your router. - so you might need to check your public IP once or twice a week to be safe.

Optional: Use DynamicDNS from so that you don't have to worry about changing IPs -- DynDns will allow you to associate YOUR public IP with a domain name they own. Then you install a free program that auto-updates DynDNS whenever your public IP changes.
To connect you simply tupe in your domain name instead of IP. example: instead of typing \ you'd type: \