Can someone help me on topics for Herman Melville's works?


Mar 27, 2008
For my American Lit. class we're studying Melville and we can either write about MD or about Melville's poems. I've decided to write about one (or all) of his poems but I have NO idea where to start. I've analyzed every single word in the poems "The March to Virginia," "Ball's Bluff," "The House-top," and "Shiloh: A Requiem." However, while I understand them I have no idea how to organize this information. I can't figure out what to write about! I swear my brain is on serious writer's block.

Does anyone know of any reoccurring themes, ideas, imagery, or anything else that I could write about? I can't use biographical information nor can I use any other poems that aren't listed above.
Whatever the topic it's going to have to last me at least 500 words as my paper can't be any shorter than that (I normally go over 800 anyway).

Much thanks!
You seem to be more of an authority than anyone who will be reading your question.

As you have "analyzed every single word" of his poems then you already know the reoccurring themes.
Try looking up his biography and see if you can't connect his poetry to some parts of his life.