Isn't trying to prove religion with science like washing your feet with your sox on?


New member
Sep 20, 2011
What does science have to do with atheism?

What rocket scientist though that one up? Like me saying I bashed two rocks together in pond scum and failed to make life or dinosaurs so evolution and the beginning of life is false. Scientific proof of philosophy indeed.
No, it's worse. It is less effective and even more foolish.

People don't try to "prove" literature, art, or music with science. They only pull out the "evidence" trick on religion. They don't apply it to a multitude of other fields. This shows the skeptics bias. They insist on an non-applicable test for religion.
It's worse than that because you can wash feet while wearing socks
but real science isn't about proving things. Scientists try to disprove their hypotheses and theories then sees what sticks.

Atheism, like Science doesn't get bogged down with beliefs.
Science has to do with everything, it is after all the art of explaining the world around us - something that theism has failed miserably at.