I think it's one thing to have doubts on evolution, but it's a different thing to...


New member
Nov 18, 2010
...default onto religion? Personally I am ok if people have doubts on evolution, because there are indeed many things that evolution so far cannot explain. This is why, as of this very moment, there are more than 5+ million evolutionary scientists worldwide just precisely trying to understand how evolution works. If we know evolution down to the very gritty detail, then all those people would be out of jobs!

However, I don't think it's right to say evolution is wrong simply because your own religion says so. Because in that case, you are in turn saying your religion is right, and all other religions are wrong. This is essentially falling back to the classical question "Why is your religion the right religion?" And to the best of my knowledge, no one can offer me proof why this is so. In the absence of evidence for your religion, you cannot use religion as something against evolution. I think at best, you should say "I'm not sure", instead of saying "evolution is wrong, creationism (or whatever that you believe) is right".
btw i'm mostly only looking for creationists answers, so atheists + evolutionists, plz don't reply unless you have something interesting to add!
@scoot: r u Christian? if yes, I can ask you the same thing: prove to me Bible is the truth, and why holy texts from say Hinduism are wrong.
@?: i believe in God so I believe God created the universe. However, I think many parts of the Bible are incorrect. Also, evolution is actually very useful in science: it helps us design vaccines, helps us detect endangered species, and also understand how bacteria/virus gain resistance to our treatments. It's also widely applied to study of how tumours evolve. So yes, it does pay off to see through the world in the eyes of evolution. Most people just don't realize it, probably because their career doesn't involve thinking about such things, but believe me, pretty much every life science field involves evolution one way or another. I myself am a bioinformatician. I deign programs to study biological data. I often require implementing an evolutionary model to make better predictions.
It's even worse to take evolution without proof.

Grow some balls. Learn to question things before just swallowing them whole.