Can you make a sound a ringtone on your verizon wireless phone?



Ok so I have a Verizon Wireless LG picture phone and me and my friends recorded a sound of us goofing off and I was trying to set it as my ringtone but I couldnt find a way to set it. Is it possible to set a sound as a ringtone? And if so how?
Yes. Create a new picture message. Yes, a picture message. address it to your own cell phone number. After you address it to yourself, as you scroll down, select the "sounds:" field, and then click the sounds soft button under the screen. Navigate to the sound file. press OK, press send. In a few moments, you get a picture message, it has the sound you chose, now save the sound as a ringtone.
The ONLY way I know of.
I was able to send the sound to my phone as a text message. When I got the message I went to options and picked save sound as ringtone or something like that!!
Hope I helped!!!! :-D
i want to know if u can set one of your own songs as a ringtone like i have the lg dare
I Go To You Can Upload A Song From Your Computer And Create Your Own Ringtone And Send It By Text Or If You Have The Usb Cable To Hook It Up To The Computer You Can Download It.
i have a phone that it wont let me put any sound or text message as a ring tone
making the ringtone sound better if it comes out crappy

how can you make the ringtones sound better on an intensity verizon phone if they come out not sounding good?
how to make your sound as a ringtone

this what you do you make a picture message send it to your self then once you get the message just ignore it for a few second then erase it off your sounds then go back to your messages click it the message you sent your self then go to the options button click on it then press save as ringtone thats it hope it works for you I know it did for me
i have a phone that it wont let me put any sound or text message as a ring tone

I have the same problem. There seems to be a way to pay for making your own ringtones by selecting Get New Ringtones, but I don't know if it works, or how it works.