If the market can regulate itself, how come Taco Bell "beef" is mostly sand?


New member
Jul 18, 2010
If the market can regulate itself, how come Taco Bell "beef" is mostly sand?


Why won't a company with such shoddy products go out of business?
The market can and does regulate itself. I would be willing to bet that when YUM reports its earnings for this quarter, you will have seen a decrease in earnings. Taco Bell will respond accordingly.
regulation is media spin at the cost of the dumb consumer, the corporate lie, on a thin bill-board in pretend-ville, and fed a bill of goods, more chemical crap, from the corporate society of lies, with a dash of republican bull,, in the hall of environment hate and greed, the squeeze play, until it blows up in that court room of pretend justice, on the plate of the profit margin
They don't go out of business because people keep going there. It should be known that their food isn't real. It doesn't even taste real. Taco Bell (and many other fast food brands) is "snack" food at best.
Taco Bell's taco meat is 88% beef. The rest is organic filler and a very small amount of anti-caking component. It is roughly the same content that you get in any processed food.
The market can regulate itself IF there are no manipulations.
There are manipulations in the form of derivatives, options, and futures. Stop those and the economy will right itself.
The reason the market CAN'T regulate itself is because the government backs it all.

Heres $50,000....if you lose all your money, i'll give you $50,000 (government), now go make housing loans to people who cant afford them.

People don't care about quality anymore. Why do you think Wal-Mart is still in business?
Actually they are regulated by the FDA and the FDA allows only 40% beef BS.
I always wondered how they stay in business selling that crapp.
I don't think that's true about Taco Bell, but maybe a smear by someone who's jealous of them. I actually like going there. *shot*
Are you under the impression that Taco Bell patrons thought they were eating health food? They knew it was junk, and guess what? They're still going to eat there because they like it. No one thought they were getting pure beef for 89cents. The market works!
Because people will eat that garbage up because it is cheap. Ever notice that you have to bathe that trash in taco sauce to coax it down?
Because people will eat that garbage up because it is cheap. Ever notice that you have to bathe that trash in taco sauce to coax it down?
Government regulation happened. The USDA defines what can be called "beef" and "meat" and that sets industry standards.

Don't like it? Rat them out to the FDA.

Spoken like a TRUE libbie.
The market will regulate itself. If enough people decide that Taco Bell is deceiving them, and stop eating there, the company will suffer. Of course this is almost nothing compared to what Jack in the Box went through in the past.