My girlfriend wants me to quit dipping tobacco, how can I get rid of a Skoal ring in


May 13, 2008
my jeans? I dip Skoal chewing tobacco, but my girlfriend is threatening to leave me if I don't quit, since I kept it a secret from her. She found out when she found a can of Skoal I forgot about in the back pocket of a pair of my Wranglers. She doesn't like the idea of kissing me if i dip and thinks it's disgusting. The thing is I work on a ranch, so I wear Wrangler or Levi jeans all the time. I have pretty noticeable Skoal ring marks in the back pockets from the can in them. Y'all have any idea how to get rid of a Skoal ring from denim. I don't wanna lose my girl, but I also don't wanna quit dipping either.