Am I spoiled??



I shop at AE, Hollister, Have a smartphone, own room, tv in room, shop a lot kinda, have some designer things, have a lot of things other kids dnt, my friends always call me spoiled and rich girl and i HATE IT! im not a spoiled brat I appreciate everything i get but i just dnt kno
yoiur lucky with the things u get... same with me....just because you do get things doesn't mean you ACT like a spoild brat
They are jealous so just ignore them. =) Haha.. walmart sucks and no one should shop there.
damn girl ! ! ! i live in bad area..i get nutihn you spoiled az sh*t
well, you are spoiled (or just wealthy), but i don't know if you are a brat, especially if you are grateful for what you have
people call everyone they are jealous of spoiled, unless you are actually ungreatful then yeah i'd say you are spoiled. you said you are greatful so i'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
okay well you are spoiled... why even make this question. its just another way to show off all your "precious items"DONATE to the poor GIVE more than you getread a saint book and live your life in the way of theirs
Well just cuz u shop at those places doesnt mean yur spoiled and when they say u are spioed jusst say "i know" and walk away cuz they r just really jelous
well..heres the thing.....DOES YOUR PARENTS PAY FOR ALL THAT?if yes, then you are definitely spoiled.
no matter how a luxury a person lives, i wouldn't say that they are spoiled unless they act really arrogant. So for me it depends on what their characteristics more than their appearance. long as you appreciate them...but if you are like 15 and up and your parents are buying you those things...yeah i expect you'd get made fun of....I'm 15 and I have a lot of things other kids don't but I buy all of them with my own work no your not a brat just try to pay for half if your parents are buying...
The fact that you placed this question under the category of royalty doesnt help in your favor...if you purchased all those things on your own with your own hard earned money then no your not spoiled - if your parents supply it all then yes you are spoiled. No biggy, take what you can get!
Just consider yourself lucky. It's rude when people call you spoiled or rich and sure, you may be, but you aren't a brat, you respect everything you get and respect your money/your parents money. When people say things like that to me I say "Yep, I'm lucky." and show that I'm grateful for everything MY parents and family have given me. Spoiled implies that you nag daddy for a new $2,000 dollar dress. You simply come from a well off family.
no,your not a spoiled's just that other kids are jealous of you.
you're just privileged. just be humble and grateful with what you have and don't let it get to your head. your friends are probably just jealous, shrug it off, tell them you don't like it or get new friends.
I think it really depends on your attitude. Do you think the designer things you have are better? Would you ever own something that wasn't a name brand or otherwise associated with a high price tag? There is no reason not to buy the expensive stuff if you have the money to do so, but placing importance on the brand name is a bit spoiled and shallow. You should always be aware of how lucky you are compared to others.Assuming you're not stuck-up about the stuff you're lucky enough to have, your friends are probably jealous that they can't have more expensive things too, and call you spoiled in their jealousy. Try talking less about the stuff you have, and more about things you and your friends have in common. Some are luckier than others in life, and your friends are probably aware of that.