How can Shaun Rogers apologize and then plead "Not Guilty" for trying to


New member
Apr 3, 2010
carry a loaded hand gun on a plane? Was it his bag? YES
Did he apologize for trying to carry a gun on a plane? YES
Did he plead not guilty for having a hand gun in his bag he tried to carry on a plane? YES
It's American Justice. You can kill someone, in front of a crowd of people, plead not guilty and because eye witnesses are not creditable evidence anymore, get off unless they "prove" it through physical means.

Yes it was his bag, but did he put it there? Did he know it was there? Maybe he grabbed the wrong bag by mistake? Maybe he told someone to take it out and they forgot?
he thinks he can get out of it because he is in the nfl, but forgets that he's a member of THE DEVESTATING CLEVELAND BROWNS. stupid fatty
You can't fix stupid.

The only cure for stupidity is death.

Ignorance can be fixed, stupidity lasts a lifetime.
Put it into a little perspective here! Our awesome lawyer-type shows have their lawyers getting the guilty guy out of the rap because of a technicality. Obviously dumb-butt forgot that he ain't no lawyer!
Because he another stupid spoiled jock who doesn't believe that the rules of society don't apply to him...and if he doesn't do at least 5 years for this crime then he will be absolutely right.
Lemme put it another way:
You're driving in your car and a cop pulls you over for a speeding ticket.
In your glove compartment is your registration and proof of insurance which you know about, a .357 magnum which is registered to you which you didn't know was there and a kilo-brick of weed , which you also didn't know was there.
Do you honestly think that the courts are going to let you off on the gun and weed charges simply because you didn't know that the two items were in your car ?
No of course not so why should Rogers not do time for his crime ?