
  1. K

    How can Shaun Rogers apologize and then plead "Not Guilty" for trying to

    carry a loaded hand gun on a plane? Was it his bag? YES Did he apologize for trying to carry a gun on a plane? YES Did he plead not guilty for having a hand gun in his bag he tried to carry on a plane? YES
  2. M

    Should I plead guilty to a car accident? Should I take pictures to court?

    I had an accident coming across lanes that had cars going in both directions. I looked both ways and there were no cars. I proceeded to go across one lane that was going east but when I went across the lane that was going west, an SUV rammed right into me. I did not know what happened. There...
  3. J

    Can I sue my minor child for car damage, plead in my ex-husband as..., and recover a fraction from him? My ex-husband and I signed our (joint custody) daughter's California drivers license application, and she recieved her learner's permit. She then crashed my car while I was in it. We are physically OK. I paid a large deductible when I repaired the...