What relationship do you think works best?


May 12, 2008
a relationship where two people start out as friends and slowly builds up into a relationship or a relationship where two people meet each other and end up in a relationship right away,
If you're going more for like a movie or book thing I'd say start out as friends. I don't know it seems more romantic and fairytale like LoL
any relationship is good, as long as there are multiple people involved together with teamwork
i should say friends. when you are in love you are blind as friends you know their flaws as friends you know you have a lot in common
Twenty dollars under a street light works for most guys. If you want a relationship.....find a girl!! Guys only need sex!
from my experience the friends first relationships are a lot better if you guys are friends first and slowly build into a more intimate relationship. this relationship will be based on more trust and knowing everything about eachother than rushing into it
Friends first, then you know what your getting into. The guy might turn out to be a total idiot otherwise....thats how i keep going wrong!!
why re you giving thumbs down for friends first?
If you want reality and the truth, you would know that friends first is a solid base for a good and lasting relationship.
The other is good too, but friendship first builds more trust and good foundation which makes it last longer.
Anything that starts off with a big rush always end with a big bang rush!
ive met some one that ive been talking to on myspace for a while , we acctually met up , and dated that night and been goin for 9 months, bit that was a year ago
i've been in love with my childhood best friend for about 8 years now (i'm 22) :D so i say best friends first.
from my experience, just meeting then getting in a relationship works better i have tried both and that usually last much longer