What relationship do you think works best?

well, when this guy asked me out before I even knew him that well, it was awkward and didn't turn out very good. But then I kinda fell in love with my best friend and we went out..and I lost my best friend, but he was the best boyfriend I've ever had. Then there was one of my friends that I thought I liked, but after he asked me out I realized I really didn't want to kiss him or hold his hand because I just wanted to be friends, so that was awkward...
no relationship can develop without understanding and trust
and friendship is the best form of trust and understanding.......
so friendship is must then it depends u will develop something more than or nt.....

It depends on how much they work at getting to know one another.

I know couple that were childhood sweethearts, friends for years before they ever dated, I started dating my wife the night I met her.

"Best" is variable, depending on the people involved, the time of their lives, age, economic conditions, and the color shirt the guys is wearing


i can answer that. I went out with someone who I instantly fell for - she was hotter than a chilli pepper (and I don't mean THOSE chill peppers either rock fans). Lasted for four months. Couple of years later I became very good friends by complete coincidence with someone and ended up going out with her for YEARS. So yeah...definitely the former and not the latter.
When relationships burn hot in the beginning, they turn to ash. Better a long, slow fire.

I know, it's cheesy, but experience has taught me that people who fall in love fast fall out of love just as fast.