Atheists do you make snow angels in the snow with your snowmobile outfit?


May 22, 2008
no but i'm in college so i get drug like effects after i write 10 page papers like today
you want to see my paper ? can i post 4000 words here?
no i was born and raised in California and never been in snow till i was 18 and moved to Illinois, this is my 3rd year in snowy weather and im still not used to it :p

i ain't laying in snow but i like to make evil looking snow-devil army ^_^
Could you do me a favor? Quit being rude to the atheists. Did they do something harmful to you to deserve the treatment you are giving them tonight? Did they kill your mother or something? I surmise the answer is no to those questions. So do everyone, including christians, on this board a favor; stop being a butthole. Thanks, have a wonderful evening.