Diet, Exercise, or Both?


New member
Nov 28, 2008
Okay, let's start this out correctly. A little about my past history. I have grown up on a farm, been generally physically active, and now I cut grass for a living and do landscaping. I drink a lot of cola, and eat a lot of fast food burgers and fries.

Now that being said I haven't been in any rigourous exercise or cardiovascualr activity in years. I do not overly exert myself physically. I weight around 192, I am 5'3" tall and 26 years old. I always feel horrible bad, have trouble sleeping, and waking up. Bottom line is, I am looking to change all of that and I believe my diet is directly involved in the issues.

If I quit drinking soda, get away from the caffeine addiction, and cut out greasy fast foods, plus add a mile of jogging every other night to my schedule, how will this affect my weight, and is this enough to actually get myself into shape, and how long am I looking at for around 20 pounds of weight loss? I am not actually looking to lose more than 20 pounds, as much as I am looking to be a healthier person and apply a greater life-style change to my life, than the status quo that I have been addicted to for the past 10 years since the start of high school. So even if I don't lose any weight, I am fine with it, but I am sure there is going to be some weight loss just eliminating colas of any kind. Also, what can I replace with the colas? I want to eliminate all carbonated beverages, so diet colas are sort of out too!

Any tips, advice, and previous experience stories are welcome!