Real psychics??? can someone tell me my future that's a REAL physic?

Aug 27, 2009
This question is ONLY 4 REAL PSYCHICS! first tell me something about myself so i know you're real. Then please tell me my future. Thanks. (automatic 10 pts.)
You are waaay stressed. Having some personal issues. You have a medical problem too. I would suggest a vacation or time off from your daily routine. Also, you feel very concious about your weight. Don't worry about it, it's not a big deal. But a little working out may help with both your self-esteem as well as the stress you're dealing with. as for your future. That rests in the choices you make. The future is constantly shifting and altering according to your decisions. At this point in time you need something life altering. You're on the precipice on the next step in your life. Embrace it and you'll find good fortune. Best of luck!
Your familly loves you but they think that you don't spend enough time with them. You are very talented in some areas, your a curious girl with a bright future.
No one can tell you your future apart from educated guesses, there are no such things as 'real' psychics, they are all frauds and charlatans, the vast majority are after your money but there are some who are so deluded they honestly think they have the 'power'.

James Randi whom I often quote on such matters has had a $1,000,000 challenge for years to anyone who can prove this or any other paranormal power, no one has come even close to winning it.

Why do you think no psychic has won the lottery? their usual excuse is "I don't do it for money" or some other rot, my usual answer is, give it to 'children in need'.
You ask this question not to know about yourself but to prove to someone that they are wrong.

Am I right..?
You are honest and kind
At the moment you are stressed
Trying to complete a goal
You will suceed
If you find a real physic on YA or anywhere else please let me know. I would be interested in some consulting myself. LOL.
You are 13.
I predict you will die in approximately 65 years.
You only started yahoo answers 2 months ago.
There are no real psychics. If there were any, some would have won James Randi's $1,000,000 prize for anyone who can prove he has such abilities. Sylvia Browne ignores his challenges to her, but she demands much money for her dubious services from ordinary people.
My name is Isela. My birthday is APR/20/1992. So there is this guy I have fallen in love with him. Will he ever actually want something serious with me? Or just wants to mess around with me. Will anytime soon I'll meet the right person for me? If so when? I'm so confused.
My Future Please. Real Psychics ONLY!

First tell me somethings about me only I would know, and then give me my future. please and thank you.