
  1. S

    If a real physic can tell the future, why don't they hit the lottery with their

    abilities? They are allowed personal gain.
  2. B

    I think I'm physic, please don't make jokes but please HELP?

    My real grandfather died of cancer when I was really young apparently he died holding me, and when I was older, my great-grandfather died of a heart attack, but the day before I asked my mom about him, and about when he was young. But anyways, my grandma re-married, and now I'm scared because...
  3. C

    Consider a heavy crate resting on the bed of a flatbed truck. (Physic Question)?

    Consider a heavy crate resting on the bed of a flatbed truck. When the truck accelerates, the crate also accelerates and remains in place. Identify the force that accelerates the crate.
  4. D

    Can a physic tell my future?

    I'm saying this question because a physic told me about my future. She said that i'm going to be a lawyer which i don't wanna to be. Career that i like.... (i don't wanna tell nobody) its not personal but i just don't want to say it. But i don't want to be a lawyer. So is that my future career...
  5. L

    What do you think about Physic's who tell people about their past lives,their future

    etc? Who they were.I just saw one earlier this after noon who said to me that I was the thief who was crucified at the same time that Jesus Christ was crucified they also told me that I was a warlock once & a Japanese samurai warrior What am I suppose to think about all of this ?
  6. M

    could a physic tell me about my future please!?

    if you are a real acual physic could you please tell me about my future. i want to know the truth no matter how harsh it is. i would like to do this over email so its more private. put your email in the answer so i can email you. thank you so much! tell me what information you would need...
  7. H

    Where can I talk to a physic online that can tell me my future for free?

    Is there a chatroom where a physic can tell me my future about any relationships im in or something? Or by email, maybe? I need to know. But it HAS to be free. I can't spend any money on anything.
  8. L

    Help xP Physic quiz tomorrow ( easy 10 points)?

    1. Why does a stick partially immersed in water appears bent from the air? 2. Why does a coin at the bottom of the pool appears to be nearer than it actually is? 3. Why does a pair of pants appears blue under blue light but black under black light?
  9. D

    Physic's normally have physic premonition's?

    An physic's ability is based on vision's of premonition's, these may take place before or after an incident has taken place, basically they are there to help police in some case's to reveal any new information they might have missed. Its hard to put in place a physic vision, until we know where...
  10. D

    Physic's normally have physic premonition's?

    An physic's ability is based on vision's of premonition's, these may take place before or after an incident has taken place, basically they are there to help police in some case's to reveal any new information they might have missed. Its hard to put in place a physic vision, until we know where...
  11. A

    Can anyone tell me of a trusted physic i can talk to about my future?

    hello I was wondering if I can have someone tell me of a true physic that can tell me how my future will turn out if I make a certain choice. It's nothing bad its just a career wise admission that can make or break me. I know I should be able to do it on my own, but I am only 18. And its hard.
  12. D

    Is it possible for someone who is 15 to have physic premonitions?

    Ever since I was younger I have always been interested in things like spirits, and everything mystical. I am going to be 16 in 2 weeks. I have been extremely ill since last year, and have come close to death many times. I have had really bad trouble fighting it. Whilst I was in hgospital, the...
  13. K

    A physic question about the application of electric bells?

    The working principle of a d.c electric bell is that when the switch is pressed , a current flow through the electromagent and a magnetic fleid is produced to attract the hammer. What i want to ask is that why the hammer can be attracted ? By Lenz Law, it shoud induce a magnetic field to repel...
  14. T

    Are these physic dreams, visions, or premonitions?

    I have these dreams, I say dreams because I'm sleeping, and I don't remember until I see it in real life. Example: One dream was me looking in the mirror at my pretty, long, dark and curly hair. In the dream I knew I was suppose to have my hair the way it is now, very short and brown. But i...
  15. T

    Real psychics??? can someone tell me my future that's a REAL physic?

    This question is ONLY 4 REAL PSYCHICS! first tell me something about myself so i know you're real. Then please tell me my future. Thanks. (automatic 10 pts.)
  16. F

    Im trying to solve a physic problem, where a block is sliding down a plane .?

    The problem asks for the acceleration of the block. Given in the problem is that the block is sliding down a plane that is tilted 15 degrees, and the length of the plane is 2.1m. Thats all.