Fellow conservatives, how much whining will we hear when 0bama?

Not going to happen. So far the R's have offered lies and obstruction. How do you expect them to run on that? Seriously, what is their 2012 platform? Tax cuts for the wealthy? Discrimination against gays? More abortion laws? Didn't we just hear that and didn't that lose? They have nothing.
Well, since that's not going to happen, I guess us liberals will just have to put up with a bunch of blubbering Republicans. It's going to be a rout -not just a run of the mill loss for whoever the Republicans drag put of oblivion and try to groom as presidential material over the next three years. SO looking forward to it!
If he is not re-elected, the first word out of a lot of people's mouths will be RACISM!
When he raises taxes on the middle class he will go down and be thrown out.
This fiscal conservative wants to protect my financial investments.

I spent money and time on my education to earn money and to invest it.

Stop making garbage up and let's all get honest about what our interests are in these issues.
It will be as a flock of north american school teachers, the mating call of nails on a chalkboard, and an appearance from Genine Garofalo
Republicans Have consistently Insulted the Hispanic People and culture So I see Texas turning Blue in the future . And I think that will Be a Great Day .