a good 3-5 minute speech topic appropriate for the interest of 18-22 y/o class?


New member
Jul 1, 2009
im having a hard time thinking of an interesting topic.

my speech should have atleast a combination of 2 among these types:

please send me ur suggestions
Explain what .rar files are and how to use them (informative) and convince them that sending big files as .rar files is better than sending them as .zip files (persuasive).
when I was in college i did a speech on why you, myspace, and corporate america do not mix. it is and interesting and relevant topic for students that age.
Modern trends,styles,fashion such as technology,including Ipod,Apple,MP3,MP4 or maybe DJ-ing because my school did organise a group of DJs to come to my school to do a talk about it and introduced a course,but of course,you do not need to especially need to go for DJ course.

I suggest strongly that it would be fashion trends because most teens are really concern about their looks and the modern fashion so that they can keep up-to-date.Introduce somekind of new clothings,shoes,bags and stuff like that.It would definitely be a favourable interesting topic for them.

Good luck for your presentation :)
1.) --QUIRKY CULTURAL INFLUENCES: Explain how culture has influenced the following "quirky" aspects of our society throughout the decades:

__A. -Slang talk / Discourse, Social, and Conversational Contexts of Slang Speaking: Slang (informal popular sayings and words), emerged from a particular era or generation's popular social practices, often become accepted into our formal language and lexicon. In linguistics, the lexicon of a language is its vocabulary, including its words and expressions. What is understood as the “general vocabulary” is itself an ongoing social process which privileges certain groups and perspectives; therefore, despite its critics, the slang talk that becomes apart of the general vocabulary, is created by a "priveleged" class of people...NOT trash talkers.

__B. -Urban Legends: Like all folklore, urban legends are not necessarily false, but they are often distorted, exaggerated, or sensationalized over time and generations.

__C. -Food Choices and Practices: In each culture there are both acceptable and unacceptable foods, though this is not determined by whether or not something is edible...it is determined by the values, beliefs, and attitudes of the culture. For example, Americans have become a nation of Fast Food Junkies which is largely in part because of our instant-gratification, fast-paced lifestyles in an individualistic culture. Whereas, some other cultures view our "fast food addiction" as absurd and disgusting. Likewise, horses, turtles, and dogs are eaten (and even considered a delicacy) in some cultures, though they are unacceptable food sources in other cultures. There are also rules concerning with whom it is appropriate to eat. For example, doctors in a health facility may eat in areas separate from patients or clients, whereas, it is unacceptable if a hostess does not sit down and eat with her dinner guests.

__D. -Phobias: These fears come in all different, and sometime strange, forms. Cross-cultural psychologists point out that phobias are influenced by cultural factors. Agoraphobia, for example, is much more common in the United States and Europe than in other areas of the world. A social phobia common in Japan but almost nonexistent in the West is taijin kyofusho, an incapacitating fear of offending or harming others through one's own awkward social behavior or imagined physical defect. As you explore this topic, try to pin point what phobia you think is the strangest. For an article on the top 10 strangest phobias, follow the link below: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article...
Here are some of the phobias on the list:
~Anablephobia-Fear of looking up
~Consecotaleophobia-Fear of chopsticks
~Geniophobia-Fear of chins
~Cacophobia-Fear of ugliness
~Phronemophobia-Fear of thinking

2.) --SCHOOL BURN-OUT: This controversial issue is concerning the amount of school-related activities and requirements teens face now in high school & how that often leads to "school burn-out." Faced with an unlimited amount of choices combined with the pressure of a fast-paced-world, teens are spreading their selves too thin by engaging in a number of commitments. Besides physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion, there are several more pressing consequences of school burn-out.

3.) --NICKNAMES: Whether we want them or not, many of us get tagged with one or more nicknames during our lives. Research the role of nicknames through a historical perspective and the positive and/or negative aspects of the practice of nicknaming. For an attention grabber, start your speech by giving the class a "nickname" quiz...to view the "Famous Nicknames" quiz and answers, click on the link below: http://www.knowledgebase-script.com/demo...

4.) -YELLOW JOURNALISM: Media for many people are a source of information on topics and news. The need to digest and keep abreast of important events is always in demand by the media consumer. But the current trend has showed how sensationalism in journalism are making headways among the media traditionalists. These sensational and scandalous stories are called "Yellow Journalism." Yellow Journalism is journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers or viewers.
Tired of news on TV that exploit other people's misfortunes? In your speech, tell why it is unethical for journalists to make money from stories on victimizations, scandals, natural disasters, deaths, and war...persuade your audience to view this as unethical as you do. Start your speech out with a 30-second 'mock' news cast where you report on something that is outrageous or "newsworthy"...then once you finish, tell your audience that you just vamped up that story to sensationalize the message so they would be more intrigued and, therefore, more likely to listen. Use this attention grabber to lead you in to your speech. To read the article, "Reporting Gone Wrong: The Lack of Ethics in Journalism" follow the link below:
With the loss of Michael Jackson, which others might want to write about, that is a good one for all your categories.
The failing economy
Going green
Best vocations for these times
Best colleges and classes in order to obtain good employment.
Electric cars
Medias impact on celebrities lives
What's a good age to marry and settle down and have children? What will your "equal" duties be?
Divorce in today's world.
President Obama
Effects of the internet and Ipods, etc, on the family.
Gaming with violence and its impact
drugs, including the prescriptions
hanging game
choking game
fitting into a particular group
peer pressure
blended families
diet of the average teen today
rage, depression
These are just a few , as there are so many. I wish you the best on your speech. Make eye contact and convince others that you have substance behind your statements.