does this happen to anyone else while smoking cannabis?

maybe its your nerves calming idk but when my aunt "smokes" she get all shaky too and she say it calms her nerves but she only smoke when she's stressed so no she's not a fiend lol
Yeah last night I ate a cannabis cookie and my limbs were shaking so hard it was difficult to walk or do much. Not sure about the reasons for it, but yes I have experienced and heard about that from several other people
I have no smoked in 17 years, but I recall the same sensation about 40 years ago while smoking some very strong Colombian Gold.

I did not like the sensation.

If it happens again, consider stopping.
You might not have a great tolerance for it, or there is the possibility that the grass was laced with something else--and that might be dangerous.
i dont start shaking but every now and then my hands or my body will go numb. i dont remember it happening in the past and ive been smoking for sixteen years but ive noticed it recently. not sure why it happens though.